Paracale safety work shows good progress


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Paracale safety work shows good progress
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
October 1939 THE SMAN MAGAZINE ANOTHER GOLD PRODUCTION RECORD Vol. IV No. 4 Production of the Marsman-managed properties for September established a new high, with five of the mines registering substantial gains in output. Total production of the seven lode and one placer operations for the past month amounted to Pl,730,315.39, as compared with Pl,618,866.33 for August. The increase in production, in spite of the handling of a smaller tonnage, was brought about by the generally higher grade of ore milled during the month. Coco Grove registered the most substantial gain in output, having recovered a total of P301,884.34 from the dredging of 306,170 cubic yards of gravel during September. August production was only P252,346.32. This substantial rise was due to the fact that the dredges during the month moved over richer sections of the property. Itogon likewise registered a considerable increase in production, having recovered a total of P395,464.12 from the milling of 28,628 tons of ore. August production amounted to P352,725.25. Production of the eight properties under Marsman management for the past month is given in the following tabulation: Value Coco Grove, Inc. . ......................... . Tonnage 306,170 (yds.) 28,628 p 301,884.34 I togon Mining Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 395,464.12 12,245.83 Marsman Exploration Company ............ . 10,740 Northern Mining & Development Co. (Tuba Mines) ............... , ............... . 1,781 51,360.00 19,947.72 Royal Paracale Mines, Inc. (Argos Mine) ... . 3,168 San Mauricio Mining Co ................... . 14,092 540,311.67 159,067.54 250,034.17 Suyoc Consolidated Mining Co .............. . 6,531 9,340 United Paracale Mining Co ................. . T 0 T A L .................... { 3~!:i~~ ~~:~ Pl, 730,315.39 PARACALE SAFETY WORK SHOWS GOOD PROGRESS Excellent progress is being made in safety work in the Paracale District, reports from P. K. Strong, director of the Mambulao-Paracale Mine Safety Association, show. Mr. Strong, formerly on the San Mauricio staff, is organizing safety work in the district along the lines followed in the Baguio district, with outstanding success. The newest member of the Association is the Malaguit Mining Project, an Elizalde & Co. property. This operation has a fine safety record, with but one lost-time accident to an employee from January 1 to October 1, 1939, and only six days lost time. The other members of the Safety Association are San Mauricio, United Paracale, Santa Rosa, North Camarines, Paracale Gumaus, Mambulao Consolidated, Paracale National, Paracale Gold, and Santa Barbara Mining Companies, and the Philippine Smelting Company. Harry L. Barr, general superintendent of San Mauricio, is president of the Association.