Royal Paracale Mines, Inc.


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Royal Paracale Mines, Inc.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
SAN MAURICIO MINING COMPANY San Mauricio Mining Co. maintained advanced 53 feet in ore averaging a normal output during September, with a total recovery of P540,311.67. The mill treated 14,092 tons of ore, with an average per ton of P38.34. The percentage of extraction was 94 % . Total development advance for the month was 1,507 feet. Capital development accounted for 1,089 feet, of which 146 feet were in ore; and of the 418 feet in operating, 222 feet were in ore. On the 200 level several raises are being driven in the new veins on which no stoping has been done to date. Raise 2120 North on the Spokane vein was advanced 60 feet in ore averaging P81.90 per ton over a width of 2.5 feet. Raise 2130 North on the Contact vein Pl 08.50 with a width of 2. 7 feet. Raise 2185 North on the Contact vein was advanced 26 feet in ore averaging P93.10 per ton. The North drift on the 2135 vein was advanced 32 feet in ore averaging P79.10 per ton with an average width of 3 feet. The 425 level North drift on the Santa Ana vein was advanced 32 feet in ore averaging P42.70 per ton over a width of 4.5 feet. Operating development is proving up considerable ore in this mine. The mine is in excellent shape with ore plentiful. The mill operated normally during the month. ROY AL PARACALE MINES, INC. The production at Royal Paracale Mines, Inc. fur the month of September was Pl9,947.72 from the treatment of 3,167 tons of ore. The average per ton was P6.30, with extraction at 73 % . Development advance for the month amounted to 1,088 feet; 923 feet were in capital development and 165 feet in operating. Of the capital, 88 feet were in ore, while of the operating 59 feet were in ore. 4 Stoping operations were carried on in the following stopes: 250 W., 135 W., 602 W., 23 E., 150 W., 684 W., 75 E., and 530 W. The 620 raise, 4 level, was driven on ore. It is now stopped and a stope is being started. The 76 South drift West, 4 level, is driven behind the caved stope area. Several minor installations were made in the mill during the period under review. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for October, 1939