United Paracale Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

United Paracale Mining Company
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
UNITED PARACALE MINING COMPANY United Paracale Mining Co. established a record high output for the month of December with a total of P250,034.17 from the treatment of 9,340 tons of ore. The average per ton was substantially higher than the previous month, being P26. 77 per ton. Percentage of extraction was 90.44 % . The total development advance for the month was 1,133 feet. Of the 861 feet of capital advance, 63 feet were in ore ; and of the 272 feet in opera ting advance, 36 feet were in ore. The 401 foot wall drift North, Baluarte 400 level, was advanced 43 feet along the vein 3.3 feet wide in average grade ore. The 401 foot wall drift South was advanced 49 feet along the vein 3.6 feet wide. On the Longos 200 level, the 128 North crosscut East was advanced 66 feet. The 119 North crosscut West was advanced 101 feet in peridotite. The 1 drift North, Malaguit 0 level, Call was advanced 50 feet along the vein 3.2 feet wide. The 1 drift South was advanced 46 feet along the vein 2.0 feet wide, assaying P30.50 per ton. The pump station in sump cutting in Longos 300 level was started and about 90 o/c completed. The Longos ore bin was completed, except the placing of air tube doors andthe lining of the bin. The concrete floors of the hoist house and power house were about 75 % completed. North Camarines-United Paracale The total development advance during the month was 221 feet, all of which was in development. The 529 foot wall drift North, Sindica to level 87, was advanced 114 feet along the vein 10 inches wide, averaging P28.00 per ton. North Camarines Gold Mining Co. milled 116 tons of United Paracale ore during September. QLarbtnal Jlnsurant:q <Uumpanu HEAD OFFICE: MARSMAN BUILDING MANILA, PHILIPPINES THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for October, 1939 When You Need INSURANCE Cable Address: "CARDINAL-MANILA" Past Office Box 297 Phone 2-32-32 5