Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
COCO GROVE, INC. The production for Coco Grove for the month of September exceeded the previous month by more than P50,000. Operations on the two dredges continue to improve as the dredges are passing over rich sections of the property. The two dredges recovered an aggre~;a te of P301,884.34 from the dredging of 334,290 cubic yards of gravel. The dredge "Mary Angus" handled 169,280 cubic yards from which P112,894.60 was recovered. This representE: a total dredged area of 126,450 sq. ft. to an average depth of 36 feet. The dredge "Anne Petronella" operated in very rich ground during the period under review, surpassing the previous month's production by PS0,000. The dredge handled 165,010 cu. yds. of gravel from which P188,989.74 was recoverec. The total dredged area was 99,380 sq. ft. to an average depth of 44 feet. The gold recovery was highly satisfactory and was considerably higher than the drill logs indicated. The cutter suction dredge "Rotterdam" has completed the emergency channel adjacent to the shore-line. The mechanical performance of the two dredges during September was favorable and operations of the property proceeded smoothly. SUYOC CONSOLIDATED MINING COMPANY The production for Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company during the month of September resulted in another substantial increase over the preceding month. From the treatment of 6,531 tons of ore, a total of P159,067.54 was recovered. The average per ton was P24.35 compared with P22.65 for the previous month. Percentage of extraction showed a marked improvement to 87.16 per cent. The total d€velopment advanced during the month was 1,691 feet, of which 1,013 were in capital advance, and 678 feet in operating. Of the capital advance 135 feet were in ore and in the operating advance 66 feet were in ore. The 22242 drift north was advanced 48 feet on the vein which averaged 3 THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for October, 1939 feet in width and P46.60 in value. The vein is 1.2 feet wide. The 2201 drift north was advanced 62 feet in altered andesite and agglomerate. The 19238 drift north has been started off the 2038-A raise to open this block for stoping operations. The 1938-A intermediate stope cut the No. 2 vein which is in ore of average grade. The 1862 winze was sunk 23 feet on better than average grade ore. The 17262 drift north was advanced 37 feet on a vein of average grade ore. In the mill, various replacements were made during the period under review. Operations in the mine and mill were normal during the month of September. 7