Itogon Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Itogon Mining Company
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ITOGON MINING COMPANY Another sharp increase in production marked the October operations at ltogon. During the month 28,068 tons of ore were treated, from which P438,698.18 was recovered, an average of Pl5.63 per ton. The percentage of extraction was 88.49 % . Total development footage ,for the month was 2,895 feet, of which 983 feet were in ore, 591.5 feet of the capital and 391.5 feet of the operating advance. The Itoe vein continues to fulfill its earlier promise. The drift west was advanced 89 feet through ore giving good values over a 4-foot width, as did the drift east 91 feet through ore over a similar width. The 321 crosscut south was advanced 157 feet; this advance is now awaiting the installation of a blower. The zero Frog level is being rehabilitated in an effort to pick up the Itoe vein at this horizon. In the meantime, work is being continued in the 300 level 21 drifts east and west. In the Sesame, 23 vein, the 21 crosscut drift east on the 50 level, cut the vein and the results of work done in this locality are good. On the 200 level advances both east and west showed good ore over a 4-foot width in both headings. Operations on the 600 level of the Gilkison split gave average results, while excellent values were obtained generally on the 700, 800, and 875 levels. On the 400 level, 31 vein, 30 drifts east and west were advanced through ore showing excellent assays over 5-foot widths. Work on the upper levels is being continued to the east in view of these results coupled with promising structure encountered on the 200 level. Development footage in general was less than that of the previous month, but more ore of higher value was produced by development in October. The 23 winze, Sesam~, was sunk 50 feet. Repair work on the Sesame shaft has progressed rapidly and should be completed in November. 4 SUYOC CONSOLIDATED MINING COMPANY October's gold production at Suyoc Consolidated was a new monthly high: P164,276.13 from the treatment of 6,615 tons of ore. Recovery per ton was P24.83 while extraction was 87.05 % . ' The development advance was 1,467 feet, of which 805 were capital and 662 operating. Of the capital footage, 187 feet were in ore, as were 115 feet of the operating advance. The 22242 drift north was adv~.::m:~ 25. feet, of w~ich 1~ feet were on,!_~e vem. Doghohng will be started ·i:;o check the walls after the drift has been advanced 20 feet more. The 2201 drift north was advanced 66 feet. The counter drive is cutting the same formations cut on 2000 and 1800 level. The 2244 winze was sunk 27 feet on the No. 2 vein. The vein is 3.6 feet wide and of average grade. The 2001 drift north was advanced 96 feet and was stopped to start the 2062 crosscut east. The crosscut will be driven to cut the No. 2 vein. The 1862 winze was sunk 28 feet on the No. 2 vein, which is 4 feet wide and of better-than-average grade. The new compressor building is 90 % completed. The moving of the Palidan compressor was started October 29. After this compressor is running the power house compressor will be moved to the mine. MOUNTAIN MINES, INC. During October, 1,112 feet of drifting, crosscutting, and dogholing was performed. Of this advance, 243 feet was in massive low-grade non-commercial quartz, while 17 4 feet was in marginal ore. A total of 22,M3 meters of trail was completed during the month. The weather was excellent during October. Labor conditions, camp health and sanitation were satisfactory. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for November, 1939