Coco Grove, Inc.


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Coco Grove, Inc.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
COCO GROVE, INC. The dredges at Coco Grove for October recovered a total of P247,861.61 from 332,135 cubic yards of gravel handled. The dredge "Mary Angus" handled 167,210 cubic yards of gravel from which Pl 7 4,494.85 was produced. This represents an increase of approximately P61,600 over the previous month. The total area dredged was 105,215 Sl'lllare feet to an average depth of 42. 9 feet. The dredge "Anne Petronella" recovered P73,366.76 from 164,925 cubic yards of gravel. This dredge covered 157,990 square feet to an average depth of 28.2 feet. During October, the dredge "Mary Angus" operated adjacent to the Paracale Lighthouse, with satisfactory results, while the dredge "Anne Petronella" is now in the dredge pond, where she operated at the beginning of 1938. The "Anne Petronella" dredged pay gravel during the first of the month, after which she spent most of the balance of the month dredging for flotation only. The mechanical performance of both dredges during October was satisfactory. Maintenance work on both dredges is constantly being kept up, and both are in satisfactory condition. The cutter suction dredge "Rotterdam" continued building up the protecting sandbar. This sandbar has now been built up to such an extent that it furnishes an adequate protection for the floating equipment operating in the vicinity of the seawall and farther out towards the lighthouse. Weather conditions were, in general, favorable. The northeast monsoon is gradually increasing in force, and the bay is occasionally rough. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for November, 1939 UNITED PARACALE MINING CO. Another monthly output record was made by United Paracale in October, the production being P251,909.63 from the treatment of 9,980 tons of ore. Average recovery was P25.242 per ton, while extraction was 88.60 % . Development advance was 703 feet of capital and 453 feet of operating, a total of 1,156 feet. Of the capital advance 22 feet were in ore, as were 165 feet of the operating footage. The 401 footwall drift north, Baluarte 400 level, was advanced 9 feet along the vein 2.5 feet wide. The 119 north crosscut west, Longos 300 level, was advanced 50 feet cutting the vein 8 feet wide, 4 feet of which gave high assays. The 1 drift south, Malaguit zero level, was advanced 52 feet along the vein, 22 feet of which were in ore with a width of 1.5 feet assaying better than average values. The ventilation shaft, Baluarte surface, was sunk 82 feet in peridotite ti) a total depth of 122 feet. The coun·ter shaft No. 3, Baluarte 525 level, was raised 26 feet above 525 level station for head room, and sunk 7 feet to a total depth of 19 feet. All of the buildings at United Paracale have been painted. The work was under the supervision of Charles F. Fletcher. North Camarines-United Paracale The total development advance during the month was 123 feet, all of which was in capital development. The 529 footwall drift north, Sindicato level 87, was advanced 35 feet along the vein 12 inches wide, with good assays. During the month 40 tons of United Paracale Mining Company's ore were milled by the North Camarin~s Gold Mining Company. 9