San Mauricio Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

San Mauricio Mining Company
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
SAN MAURICIO MINING COMPANY During October San Mauricio treated 14,823 tons of ore from which P533,557.80 was produced, an average recovery of P35.99 per ton. Extraction was 94.23%. The development advance was 1,950 feet, 1,467 capital and 483 operating. Of the former, 209 feet were in ore, as were 290 feet of the operating advance. In the San Mauricio mine, the north drift on the 200 level Spokane vein was advanced 89 feet in ore over a width of 19 inches. On the 200 level Contact 2,35 feet of raising was done, all in ore. The 300 level crosscut east 2260 north (Spokane) was advanced 191 feet in very hard granite gneiss. The Spokane vein was cut; values indicated were high, over a width of 16 inches. The east drift on the 400 level 2250 vein was driven 79 feet in ore giving good assays with a width of 25 inches. The main shaft was sunk 25 feet, while the Spokane shaft was sunk 63 feet. In the Santa Ana mine, the north drift on the 300 level Santa Ana vein was driven 48 feet in low grade ore. The north drift on the 425 level Santa Ana vein was advanced 41 feet in ore, over a width of 34 inches. In places this vein was 15 feet wide. All stopes throughout the property are in good shape. The stopes on the Tacoma No. 3 vein above the 300 level are heavy and require heavy timbering. Work is going ahead on the 8,000ton fuel oil tank. The new ore bin at Santa Ana was 50 % completed, while the excavation for the dynamite magazine extension was completed. ROY /\L PARACALE MINES, INC. Production at Royal Paracale for October was P25,147.86, from the treatment of 3,196 tons of ore, an average recovery of P7.87. Extraction was 81.48%. The development advance was 633 feet, of which 593 was capital and 40 operating. Of the capital advance 56 feet were in vein material as were 13 feet of the operating development. The required annual assessment work is being performed. A winze is being sunk on one vein and a crosscut tunnel will soon be started to intersect another promising outcrop. TUBA MINES Another monthly gold production record was established at Tuba Mines in October, with an output of P63,818 from 1,777 tons treated. The recovered value was P35.91 per ton, while extraction was 95 % . Total development footage was 591.9, of which 484.9 were in capital and 107 were in operating development. Of the capital advance, 82.3 feet were in ore, as were 48 feet of the operating. Promising results continue to feature work on the 150 and 250 levels. The entire 209 drift west to date on the 250 level has been fair grade ore. On the 350 level, drift 301 is becoming more encouraging. Mill operations were satisfactory during the entire month. There was but little construction work done during the month, and operations in general proceeded normally. I. BECK, INC. Provided Miners Since 1898 Retail & Wholesale Wearing Apparel. Haberdashery for Men, Women & Children. Big Line of Household goods. Radios. Phonographs. Beds. Toys. Send 'for Catalogue For Reference ask any old Mining Man THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for November, 1939 15