With the Marsman men


Part of The Marsman Magazine

With the Marsman men
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
WITH THE MARSMAN MEN R. J. Veth, of the Padang office of Veth Brothers, accompanied by Mrs. Veth, visited Manila and the Paracale district in November. Veth Brothers, a very old and well established firm, has interest in Marsman Algemeene Exploratie Maatschappij, mining company engaged in exploration in the Netherlands East Indies, and Mr. Veth's trip to the Philippines was on business for the firm. Mr. Veth was much impressed by the Marsman operations in the Paracale district, and stated that the contented ~rid prosperous condition of the workers at the mines was particularly interesting. Mr. and Mrs. Veth left for Padang on November 24, on the Tjitjalengka. Word was received in Manila in November, of the death in Chile, South America, of Warren Gilkison, formerly general superintendent of the Itogon Mining Company in Baguio. The cause of death was not reported. Mr. Gilkison left the Philippines last February to accept an executive position with a tin mine in Bolivia; unsettled conditions in that country induced him to resign a few weeks ago, and it is believed that he was on his way back to the United States at the time of his death. He came to the Philippines in April 1936, as mine superintendent for Itogon, and was promoted to the general superintendency in November, 1936. He resigned earlv this year to go to Bolivia. Mrs. Gilkison and two children accompanied him to the Unifod States, and are now in Denver, Colorado. DR. WILLIAM HENRY • • • (Continued from page 7) pected death of Dr. Brown is a shock to1 many of his colleagues in the Philippines." He said that when he saw Dr. Brown last January in Baltimore, he seemed to be in excellent health. "With his death the Philippines lost one of the early pioneers who have THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for November, 1939 Mr. Gilkison was recognized as one of the outstanding mining men in the Philippines, and he and his family had a wide circle of friends in Baguio, Manila, and Paracale. William V. Ward arrived in Manila early in November to become assistant to Mr. Dankwerth. Mr. Ward, whose home was in San Francisco, was on the staff of the American Trust Company there. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. J. Dunn and two children returned October 30th from a six-month vacation in the States and Scotland. Mr. Dunn, formerly of Pa ... racale, is now in the accounting department of the Manila office. A. R. Olney left on November 3 for Sumatra to assist W. R. Mester at the Hoogenboezem Placer Project at Atjeh. After spending several months in Burma, J. D. Ross, geologist of Marsman & Company is now at the Hoogenboezem Placer Project at Atjeh, Sumatra. Dean Schedler, who was acting editor of the Marsman Magazine for the past six months, is now assistant sales manager of Sears International, and makes his headquarters at the Escolta sfore of that unit in Manila. A. M. Dixon, who returned in October from a vacation trip around the world with Mrs. Dixon, is now stationed at San Mauricio. helped lay the foundation of scientific research in this country,'' Dr. Argue ... lies declared. "He was an excellent teacher as well as investigator and scientist. His untimely passing is a distinct loss to the Philippines and to the scientific world. His numerous scientific papers will long be remembered and be an inspiration to those who follow." 17