Editorial - Outlook for mining


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Editorial - Outlook for mining
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
EDITORIAL Table Of Contents OUTLOOK FOR MINING Page Marsman Gold Output Continues Upward 1 That the Philippine mining industry has but little to worry about in case the war in Europe is prolonged, is clearly brought out in an editorial in the October issue of the Engineering & Mining Journal of New York. Philippine mining is essentially gold mining; base metal mining while growing rapidly, is still comparatively insignificant. Further, most of our gold deposits are high grade in nature and consequently less aif ected by war conditions than marginal operations. Observations made about American mining apply to a considerable extent to Philippine mining. The E. & M. J. comments follow: "Inevitably the war in Europe must affect American mining industry, even in the face of widespread determination, to which we ourselves adhere, to keep the United States out of the conflict. No nation lives wholly to itself in these times. The United States is no exception, and its metal-mining industry must feel the impact of world-wide conditions. What, then, is the outlook for the domestic non-ferrous metal business? We offer a few observations. "In the first place, conditions in 19391 are so vastly different from those of 1914 as to make impossible any appraisal of today's outlook in terms of 1914. One common factor will be rising costs in the form of higher taxes, wages, and prices. But aside from that the old guideposts are useless. (Please turn to ne%t page) Marsman Returns ................... . I togon Mining Company ............. . Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company ... Mountain Mines, Inc. Obituary-Dr. W. H. Brown ......... . Coco Grove, Inc. United Paracale Mining Company .... New Marsman Building Marsman Trading Obtains Agency .... Marsman Exploration (Twin Rivers ) .. Mangani Mines ..................... . San Mauricio Mining Company ....... . Royal Paracale Mines, Inc. . .......... . Tuba Mines ......................... . Mancha Trammers .................. . With the Marsman Men .............. . Marsman Trading Directory .......... . Editorial-Outlook for Mining ........ . A Real Loss ........................ · · THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE 2 4 4 4 6 9 9 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 Published each month for Marsman & Company, Inc., Marsman Building, POTt Area, Manila, Philippines. P. 0. Box 297. The magazine is sent to all stockholders of Marsman managed properties and to aU staff members of the companies associated with the Maf'sman interests. NOTE.· All ore values, bullion figures, etc., given in this magazine are expressed in pesos based on gold at $95.00 an ounce and silver at the market price. Figures given in monthly reports are based on mine assays, and may differ to some extent from final mint or smehter returns. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, PS A YEAR. RAJ.PH KEELER, Editor and Business Manager THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for November, 1939 19 "The cost of producing an ounce of gold will probably rise as it did in 1915, resulting in the abandonment of some marginal producers, selective mining on the part of others, and reclassification of ore reserves. With the price of the metal fixed by the Government, higher costs must be absorbed by the producer, or off set, if possible, by improved technology. Silver production may be ex~ pected to increase as the outputs of copper and lead gradually rise. The higher price for silver established in July will work to the advantage of producers. "These observations are predicated on current business conditions in this country and take no account of modification of the neutrality law. If and when the latter is modified, England and France may find it necessary to supplement their metal fabricating facilities by purchasing finished metal goods in the United States. This would almost certainly be the case if their present facilities were seriously damaged or destroyed by bombardment. Cessation or prolongation of the European war would also affect the prospect. But leaving these uncertainties out of account, the near outlook for domestic mining is good." A REAL LOSS In the death of Dr. William Henry Brown the Philippines has lost one of its foremost scientists-a man whose knowledge of Philippine flora was unsurpassed and through whose writings this knowledge is lastingly recorded. But Doctor Brown was more than a scientist, more than a pioneer in his chosen field. He was a man of under·call standing, a man who brought to his work the rare combination of unusual talent and a broad perception. All in the Marsman organization who knew Doctor Brown-and his friends were legion-came to admire 1and respect him. The heartfelt sympathies of all of us go out to his family. <!rarbtnal Jnsuranttt Cfnmpan11 20 HEAD OFFICE: MARSMAN BUILDING MANILA, PHILIPPINES When You Need INSURANCE Cable Address: ''CARDINAL-MANILA" Post Office Box 297 Phone 2-32-32 THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for November, 1939