General walkout may isolate all of Philippines


Part of The Philippine Gazette

General walkout may isolate all of Philippines
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
GENERAL WALKOUT MAY ISOLATE ALL OF PHILIPPINES '.\IA~ILA. ~°'" 16-A. general walkout in sympathy with striking '.\lanila municipal laborers ha.< been approved Pn i "ma\' isolate the Philippines from the rest oi the world," '.\Ianuel lon~n. executi,·e secretan· oi the central° labor organization, said .toda,·. )o\·en told newsmen that the date fo~ the strike throughout the island was secret until organization details were completed. He indicated 100.000 workers would strike on such public sen·ices such as transport, water and power would be aficcted. ROXAS SENT THANKSGIVING GRl:ETING '.\IA~IL'\, ~o,-. 28-President '.\Ianuel Roxas in a Thanksgiving Dar message declared the Filipino people join the L' nited States in celebration, "for the freedom the,· ha,·e newh- won from their association ~\'ith America and for the hopes in the benefirient future of the roung rcpu blic." HUNTER DRUG CO. CUT R.-ITE DRUGGISTS YOU GET SERVICE, QUALITY and COURTESY HERE Tobarros, Lou:est Prices Phone 2-8725 201 J St., Sacramento, Calif. l SUN SUN CAFE CHOW MEIN AND NOODLES Specialty: A.II Kinds of Chi"ese Dishes to Toke Home 307 J ST. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. JUDGE RULES WOMAN MUST KEEP PLEDGE MADE IN MARRIAGE FRA~KFORT. Kr .. :>;o,-, 5-Jutlgc "'illiam B. Arden· denied a divorce to '.\I rs. Anna '.\ Iari· Bowen. Frankfort. who pleaded she h·ad made a "mistake": He penned across the face of her divorce p~tition: · "You cannot obtain a divorce in this court because \'Ou think vou made a mistake in ma~rring. Yo~ will make other mistakes and bear the consequences. In this particular instance you solemnly agreed to enter this relationship 'for b:tter or worse.' So be it." l SHELBY HARDWARE CO. l COMPLETE HARDWARE SERVICE Tools-Cutlery Househcld Goods-Sporting Goods Plumbing Supplies-Paints and Varnishes Phone J~2l71 514 l STREET SACRAMENTO El i M.4.NILA SHOE SHINE I I DAN CARBONA, Owner 1016 5th ST· ! SACRAMENTO -4