Johnson says Philippine freedom aids peace


Part of The Philippine Gazette

Johnson says Philippine freedom aids peace
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
JOHNSON SAYS PHILIPPINE FREEDOM AIDS PEACE WOODLAND. Nov. 2i -At the Rotary dub address. Congressman ]. Leroy Johnson declared that. "when the C nited States gave the Philippines her freedom this country made her greatest step toward establishing world peace and she pro\·ed also to other nations she ha< no imperialistic program." VICTORY FRUIT STORE George Koronton, Prop. 1101 •th Street Sacramento OCK LEE HAND LAUNDRY 1021 FIFTH STREET Socromento, California GENE HUGHES DRUGS STH and JAY PHONE 3·5'70 JSTH ond STH AVE. PHONE 5-2694 SACRAMENTO SHEU FONG CO. POULTRY AND EOGS Eggs A Poultry-Wholesale l Retoll PHONE 2-6925 122 Eye Street Sacramento, Calif. PHILIPPINE GAZETTE SUBSCRIPTION IS $3.00 PER YEAR Friends who have been receiving the Philippine Gazette and if thev have not paid their subscription i•et 1~iay do it now. Two or three copies had been sent as a try out. Please send your subscription order to The Philippine Gazette, 1314 6th Street, Sacramento 1-t. California. COWS, PIGS GET GREEN LIGHT EVARTS, Kr. - "Furriners" are warned to drive slo,vly in Evarts, Ky., because it is legal for stock to meander at will through the streets. The city council voted 4-1, in favor of letting the cows, pigs and goats roam instead of keeping them penned. CHICl\EN HOUSE WE SPECIALIZE IN FRJED CHICKEN DIAL 2-5971 Orders Put Up to Take Out 422 K Street Sacramento 14, Calif. ~''==A==t~::b~::;,o::,~::°"::~0::~::~::~::2~C:::::~::~~~::-T:::::.~::~::~::gN==i Tire Repair. Special Roles to Trucks 1215 2nd STREET Sacramento, Co.lif. -6