Printing feat


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Printing feat
Christian science monitor
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
A story on the success of printing industry of the US.
sat herself on the ground and, her breast, began reciting a sort of litany in honour of her dethroned mistress. "Aie ! Aie ! how lovely was her face! and how bright her eye! Aie, Aie, ·what kindness!" pressed my hand, and then fled, fled, like a fawn in a forest . Kismet? I asked myself as I returned home. Can Allah will such things? No. But this much is certain. "K=smet !" said a soft voice. I looked up. It was Hamrda Begum. But how changed ! She was dressed like one of the ayahs. Before I could say anything, she Indian women are undoubtedly more philosophical than we of the West. -Suzanne Marye, condensed from The Spectator, London. * * * PRINTING FEAT WHAT was probably the most remarkable feat of printing in the history of the world occurred on the night of March 28, 1898. The United States battleship Maine had been destroyed bl' the explosion of a submarine mine in the Harbor of Havana, Cuba, at 9 :40 on the night of Feb. 15, 1898. All America was awaiting the report of the Na val Court of Inquiry and the message of President McKinley concerning the· sinking of the ship. Suddenly at 8 p. m., on March 28, the entire Government Printing Office in Washington was electrified. The copy had arrived! It called for the printing of 330 pages of 100,000 words, 20 engravings, 30 diagrams. Although no preparation had been made beforehand, a neatly bound copy of the book measuring S 3/ 4 x 9 inches, and half an inches in thickness was found on the desk of every member of Congress by noon the next day. -Christian Science Monitor. AUGUST, 1939 39
Date Issued
IV(8) August, 1939