Stupid or foolish


Part of Panorama

Stupid or foolish
Reclam Universum
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
An allegorical story of a king and a jester.
expenses were $25,000 and she contributed $37 ,ooo in taxes, which left her $4 I ,ooo to live on. She gave 20% of that away. To the career of being a mother Dorothy Thompson devotes herself with gusto. She does everything that way. She eats enormous meals and loves heavy Viennese food. Two hours after a big dinner at her house sandwiches are brought in. She smokes in chains and drives too fast. She dresses sloppily most of the time, but when she decided about two years ago that she needed more feminine clothes she went down to a very fashionable shop and bought a bunch of evening dresses at $2 50 each. She is a pl ump, pretty woman of 45, bursting with health, energy, and sex appeal. She thinks, talks, and sleeps world problems and scares strange men half to death. This is too bad because she likes men better than women, and when she takes a train she rides in the smoking car.-Condensed from Time. * * * 26 STUPID OR FOOLISH'! ALPHONSE, King of Naples, had a court fool whose custom it was to enter all the stupidities committed by his superiors in a large notebook. One day the King entrusted a huge sum of money to a Moor in his employ with which to travel to Arabia and buy horses. The fool jotted this incident down in his book. Idly thumbing its pages shortly after, the King discovered the entry and called the jester to his presence to explain. "Well, Sire," began the fool, "it was monstrously stupid to give a man so much cold cash-you'll never see it again!" "And if he does come back?" asked the monarch. "Then I'll cross out your name and put his there instead!" was the fool's reply.-Reclam Universum. PANORAMA
Date Issued
IV(8) August, 1939