Itogon Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Itogon Mining Company
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ITOGON MINING COMPANY During December the Itogon plant treated 28,397 tons of ore from which P378,34,3.58 was recovered, an average of Pl3.32 per ton. Extraction was 86.81 %. Development advance for the month was 3,982 feet, 2,504 feet in capital and 1,478 feet in operating. Of the former, 456 feet were in ore, as were 643 feet of the operating development. Drifting totalling 190 feet on the Sesame 23 vein was practically all in good ore, with the exception of 21 feet in waste on the 350 level. On the 31 vein, the 200 level was advanced through better than average ore over a 5-foot :width while the 400 level drift west reached the Balatoc endline after a 39foot advance through very good ore. A raise will be started from the latter drift in January. Continuation of the reopening of 0, 3, and 4 levels on the Taka vein gives good indications that additional sections of the old mine can be profitably remined. Good ore was obtained in the 4 level hangingwall raises which were advanced 278 feet through ore of excellent grade. In the Itoe vein, the drift west was advanced 78 feet through a section of the vein which is very narrow and car· ries few values; the drift east, however, was advanced 25 feet through ore of high grade over a 5.5-foot width. The two raises are being connected by drifts at the 200 level. Stoping operations continued to be normal ; the miners are becoming more accustomed to the new method of stoping and the tons per manshift have increased. The customary Christmas party was held for some 1,200 of the camp children·, each child receiving a gift of candy, toys, and fruit. A dance was held for Filipino employees on Christmas Eve. 2 SUYOC CONSOLIDATED MINING COMPANY Production at Suyoc Consolidated for December was P164,637.57, from the milling of 6,387 tons of ore, an average recovery of ~5. 78 per ton. Extraction was 86.76 jc. The production was a new monthly high for S'uyoc. During the month 850 feet of capital and 5 .. 1g feet of operating advance was made, a total of 1,398 feet. Of the capital advance 216 feet were in ore, a..;; were 168 feet of the operating development. Preparations to sink No. 1 shaft from the 2200 level to the 2600 level were completed and the shaft was started~ Total distance to sink is 400 feet plus sump room. The 2201 drift north was advanced G6 feet through heavy ground. The counterdrive has about 200 feet to go before crosscutting on the No. 2 vein wi11 begin. The 2215-A raise was ad· vanced 26 feet on the vein which is or average grade. On the 20258 drift north an advance of 4 7 feet was made on the vein which is 2.3 feet wide and of average grade. One raise and one stope have been started on the vein. T!he 2062 crosscut east was advanced '58 feet and cut the No. 2 vein which is 2. 7 feet wide and of better-thanaverage grade. The crosscut will be continued. Drifting has been started to the north and a raise will be started to come up under the 1862 winze. The No. 2 vein as exposed in 20258 and 2062 crosscut east is encouraging. Extraction was higher than that of November, while the recovered mill heads were the highest on record. By using one of the Wilfley pumps the mill was able to start retreating the sand portion of the flotation tails. This effected a substantial saving and improved extraction. Excavation of the hill near the store was started. This work, which will take about a year, will be a safeguard against slides. After completion room for four bunkhouses will be available. The annual Christmas and Rizal Day celebrations were held at the camp, and were ·arranged by the Suyoc Club. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for January, 1940