United Paracale Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

United Paracale Mining Company
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
SAN MA'URICIO MINING COMPANY A record tonnage, 15,002, handled during December at San Mauricio produced a record output, P598,490.93. Average recovery was P39.89, and extraction was 94.98 % , the extraction itself being the best to date. A total of 2,156 feet of development work was done, of which 1,698 feet were capital and 458 feet operating. Of the former, 335 feet were in ore, as were 90 feet of the operating. In the San Mauricio mine, the north drift on the Spokane vein, 300 level, was advanced 102 feet in good ore over a width of 13 inches. The south drift on the same level was advanced 120 feet in better than average ore over a width of 17 inches. The north drift on the 2230 vein, 400 level, was advanced 13 feet in ore much higher than average with a width of 14 inches. The Spokane 3-compartment shaft was sunk 118 feet in very hard granite gneiss. This is a sinking record for the district. A station is being opened up in the ma~n shaft at the 300 level. This will facilitate handling men in and out of the mine. Tacoma No. 3 shaft was sunk 31 feet in hard granite gneiss. In the Santa Ana mine, the north drift on the Santa Ana vein, 425 level was, advanced 82 feet in very good ore over a width of 12 inches. The north drift on the 800 split off the main Santa Ana vein, 42'5 level, was driven 18 feet in ore of unusually high grade over a width of 48 inches. The north drift on the 640 split off the main Santa Ana vein, 425 level, was driven 67 feet in vein material of lower than average value; this vein, however, is improving in value going north. The ship pump line and all other accessories for the 8,000-ton oil tank were completed. Dynamite magazines for both United Paracale and San Mauricio were 90% completed during the month. The installation of the Allis-Chalmers hoist at the Spokane shaft was 90 o/o completed, as was the hoist building. Excavation for the foundation for the 4 UNITED PARACALE MINING COMPANY United Paracale produced P249,586.6S during December, from the treatment of 9,704 tons of ore. Recovery per ton was P25. 72, and extraction 89.12 o/o. Development advance was 788 feet, 532 in capital and 256 in operating. Of the capital development 111 feet were in ore, as were 86 feet of the operating advance. The 301 drift north, Longos 300 level, was advanced 48 feet along the vein 4.8 feet wide assaying much higher than average grade ore, while the 301 drift south, Longos 300 level, was advanced 63 feet along the vein 6 feet wide also showing excellent assays. The Baluarte counter shaft, Baluarte 525 level, was sunk 48 feet in granite to a total depth of 100 feet below the 525 level. North Camarines-United Paracale The total development during the month was 167 feet. The 535 north crosscut east, Sindicato level 87, was advanced 167 feet in granite, cutting a vein 1.5 feet wide of average grade. There was no stoping, and no ore was delivered to the mill during the month. ROYAL PARACALE MINES, INC. The Royal Paracale mill was operated for 9 days in December, during which time it handled 974.13 tons of ore and produced P9,167.37, an average of IP9.41 per ton. The personnel of all departments has been reduced to the minimum necessary to carry on the development work being done. The mill was shut down on December 9, since the typhoon which crossed Masbate on December 3 washed out portions of the road between the Royal Paracale property and I. X. L. new compressor at the main power plant was completed. Rainfall for the month was g5.63 inches, making a total of 179.67 inches for the year. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for January, 1940