

Part of The Marsman Magazine

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PERSONALS J. B. Stapler, southern division manager of Marsman & Company, and Mrs. Stapler sailed Janunry 7, on the m.s. Boissevain, for a combined business and pleasure trip to the Dutch East Indies. They expect to be gone about six weeks. Major A. Beckerleg, vicepresident of Marsman and Co., accompanied the Staplers. * * * pany as accounknt. Mr. Coleman, formerly of Denver, Colorado, is taking over the position held by C. D. McVey, who has been transferred b the accounting department of Marsman & Company. * * P. B. Rush, representative of W. H. Allen Sons & Company, Ltd., sailed on the Conte Verde, January 13, for England. He intends to make several stopR. W. Coleman arrived December 24, overs along the way and visit places on the s.s. President Pierce, to join the of interest. staff at the Philipp;ne Smelting Com- (Please turn to page 17) Herman Yaras, vice-president and general nianager of Marsman Trading Corporation, gave a luncheon in the Dao Ro01n of the Manila Hotel on December 20 in honor of Dr. H. Wissler of Escher-Wyss Engineering Works, Zuric.h,_ 1 $witzerland .. Dr. Wissler's firm manufactures hydraulic turbine equipment for water 'power projects, and is represented in the Philippines by Marsman Trading. ·Those present at the luncheon, left to right: Dr. G. Anonas, general manager of the National Development Co.; A. de las Alas, director of Marsman & Co.; Dr. Wissler; Capt. H.J. Casey, U.S.A., engineering advisor to the National Power Corp.; Mr. Yaras; Dr. Manuel Roxas, technical director of the National Development Co.; F. C. Rodriguez, chief engineer of the National Power Corp.; J. N. Lopez, Marsman Trading; E. J. Tavanlar, mechanical engineer and V. F. Lim, electrical engineer, both of the National Power Corp.; A. A. Fraser, Marsman Trading. PERSONALS The usual New Year's party for Marsman staff members was held New Year's Eve at the Baguio Country Club at Baguio. * * * L. W. Buchanan, of the geological and engineering staff, arrived in Manila on December 27 after a vacation trip around the world. After a few days in Manila and Baguio he left for the Southern Islands on a business trip for the company. Mrs. Dorothy Nicolai, wife of E. A. Nicolai, mine foreman at San Mauricio, died January 9, at the hospital in Paracale a victim of a heart attack. Burial services was held in Manila. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. White and Mrs. R. H. Canon accompanied Mr. Nicolai to Manila to attend the funeral. Mrs. Nicolai had been in the Philippines but a short time. In addition to Mr. Nicolai she is survived by four daughters, one who accompanied her to the Islands, and three in the United States. TESTED--TRIED and PROVEN to reduce maintenance costs on pumps handling pulp, sand, and acid water For full particulars apply to Marsman Trading Corporation Distributors for SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS LTD. Port Area, Manila THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for January, 1940 17