Gold Production normal


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Gold Production normal
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE February 1940 __ MAN Vol. IV No. 8 MAGAZINE MR. MARSMAN SPONSORS SAFETY CAMPAIGN A safety contest for gold mines in the Bagufo and Paracale districts as a means of promoting interest in first aid and safety work, has just been announced by Mr. J. H. Marsman, who is presenting the awards. Two trophies, one for each district, are to be awarded each year to the mine making the best safety record for the previous year; the name of the company is to be engraved on the trophy, while a certificate, suitably engraved, is to be given for permanent possession. These trophies, of original design and manufactured in Manila, are to be known as the Marsman Safety Shields. Details of the contest are being worked out by S. M. Jarrett, head of the Mine Operators' Safety Association of Baguio and H. M. Strong, head of the similar organization in the Paracale district. In general, the awards will be based on time lost because of accidents during the year. Mines eligible to compete will be those having worked approximately a million man-hours of exposure during the year in the two districts. The relative standings of the various mines in the two districts will be ']YUblished from time to time during the year in the Marsman Magazine and other publications. The Baguio trophy will be present at the annual Safety Tournament to be held early in May in the Pines City, while the Paracale award will be made in September. Mr. Marsman hopes fo be able to attend both functions and to make the awards in person. The competition will be under the supervision of the Executive Committee of the Mine Operators' Safety Association, composed of the general superintendents of the 'Various mines. In the Baguio district R. L. Lile of Demonstration is president for 1940; L. M. Robinson of ltogon, vice-president; S. M. Jarrett, secretary-treasurer. L. W. Lennox of Benguet Consolidated and F. B. Morehouse of Big Wedge were president and vice-president respectively for 1939. CEBU OFFICE OF MARSMAN TRADING TO HANDLE LIBBY PRODUCTS Mr. Herman Yaras, Vice President and General Manager of Marsman Trading Corporation, announces that arrangements have been concluded with the Manila office of Libby, McNeill & Libby whereby the distribution of the entire line of Libby's Food Products for the southern islands will be handled by the Cebu and Iloilo offices of the Marsman Trading Corporation. Announcement is also made that distribution for the entire Philippine Islands of Swift's Exeter and Plate brands of corned beef will be handled by the Marsman Trading Corporation. These food products are widely known and used throughout the Philippines, and take their place in the large list of quality products represented by the Marsman Trading Corporation. GOLD PRODUCTION NORMAL Gold production for January from the Marsman-managed mines amounted to Pl,585,946, slightly higher than the December output. Operations were normal during the month, and conditions were excellent at the various properties. Coco Grove showed a gain of some 1>55,000 over December, and United Paraca.le was up slightly, the other mines maintaining regular production. During the month the Twin Rivers tailing plant, operated b11 Marsman Exploration Company, was shut down.