Tuba Mines


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Tuba Mines
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
TUBA MINES The production at Tuba Mines for January was P52,281.87, from the treatment of 1,911 tons of ore, an average of P27 .36 per ton. Extraction was 93.3%. Preparation were made for repairing the main shaft timbering above the 150-foot level. Mill operations were normal during the entire month. Construction of an Auxiliary Clarifier Tank was completed, and a new precipitation pump was installed. Preparatory work was arranged for the construction of the No. 3 staff house. A Stream Line Oil Filter was received by the power department and put into service. Development advance for the month was 882 feet with 536 feet in capital and 346 feet in operating. Of the capital advance, 75 feet were in ore, as were 176 feet of the operating development. I I 11 I I aomeBa•aa Belatio•hip11 -at.t bet1Ne11 llal• Nni •u lhe people ol thlt Communlt1. THERE are ne cllYldlnl In• between &be Interest& aad welfare of du. bank uul Cite lnt•esta _. welfare of 1&11 •elPbon. wbedaer or aot tbfll are CIU&omen. Oar d.,..._. wlae •tl'lu& &la.U funds le oar keepln1 repr...t a broad aT••I• of die m• aad womea of tile CommllllltJ. Oar bor· rower• ue mea ud womea en1aeed la adhe bc+w eaterpdae8 which, we feel, entitle diem to the ue of the bank'• eredlt resoare• •eated with the aid of our depositors' mone1. Tbl9 bank, u a center of the lwanciaJ lateresta of the.e men and women, makes pomlble interchaqe of pracdeal belpfalneu. PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST 001\IPANY Manila, Philippinea Four Provincial Branches at your Service Baguio, Mount.a.in Province Tarlac, Tarlac-San Pablo, Laguna San Fernando, Palnpan~a THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for February, 1940 17