Gold Production for February


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Gold Production for February
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
March 1940 Vol. IV No. 9 MARSMAN TRADING TO ST ART PHILIPPINE TOWN MEETING OF THE AIR A new radio program to be known as the "Philippine Town Meeting of the Air" will be sponsored by Marsman Trading Corp. This program will be held over radio station KZRM in Manila. It will be carried on from 9 to 10 P.M., Sunday evenings, for one year, and will start on Sunday, March 31st. The main feature of the program will be debates between people of prominence in the Philippines who are especially qualified to debate on a given topic by reason of their knowledge of that particular subject. Similar programs held in the United States have attracted much attention, and it is believed that the Philippine Town Meeting of the Air will soon become the most popular radio program in the Far East. The debates will be held in the main studio of KZRM in the Insular Life Building, Manila. At each broadcast an invited audience of around 100 persons will be present. After each debater has expressed ibis views on the topic of the evening, there will be impromptu questions from the audience to be answered by each debater. There will also be an interrogator to propound questions, and to act as mediator of the debate itself. In general, the program will follow the lines of the American Town Meeting of the Air. The first debate, which will be held on March 31st, will be on the subject "Was President Quezon's suspension of eight members of the Manila city council justified?". This subject aroused much interest all over the Philippines at the time of the so-called city council scandal during February and March. Plans are being made for the engagement of one of the suspended councilmen to argue on the negative side of the question, while a former assemblyman will speak in justification of the President. These programs will be broadcast from Manila over KZRM, long wave 485 meters, or 618.5 kilocycles, and short wave 9570 kilocycles. Comments on the programs, and suggestions for new topics for discussion may be sent direct to Marsman Trading Corporation in Manila or to Station KZRM. GOLD PRODUCTION FOR FEBRUARY Gold production for February from the Marsman managed mines was valued at 'Pl,472,130, slightly lower than January because of the fewer number of operating days. Operations continued to be normal in both Baguio and Paracale districts, and outputs for March are expected to continue at the same pace.