Fraser appointed


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Fraser appointed
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
PERSONJ\L NOTES Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Marsman are sailing from San Francisco on the "President Coolidge" early in April. Major A. Beckerleg returned on March 5th on the "Conte Biancamano" after an inspection trip with J. B. Stapler to the Atjeh property in Sumatra. J.B. Stapler returned on March 10th, after an inspection trip covering the Atjeh property, and the Mangani Mine. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Enberg arrived on March 8th on the "Honolulu Clipper." They are leaving on the 15th of March on the "Conte Rosso" for Singapore, enroute to Sumatra. Leaving for the United States are Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Iverson of Twin Rivers. H. J. H. Maclean of Marsman Trading Corp. left this month for a vacation trip to the United States and England. W. A. Vine, formerly of United Paracale is leaving for South Africa. Messrs. D. van Eek, and J. J. Prins, formerly of Coco Grove and United Paracale respectively, have been transferred to the Atjeh property in Sumatra. Mr. Boomgaart, of Coco Grove has been transferred to the Mangani Mine in Sumatra. All three sailed on the "Tjinegara" on March 6th. L. W. Buchanan of the engineering staff of Marsman & Company, Inc., is now on the staff of Suyoc Consolidated Mining Co. H. A. Doornbosch has been transferred from Coco Grove to Twin Rivers, where he will supervise the taking FRASER APPOINTED The appointment of A. A. Fraser as sales manager of the Marsman Trading Corporation, in charge of all products, has been announced by Herman Yaras, vice-president and general manager. Mr. Fraser became affiliated with the corporation as .... manager of the Republic ' Steel-Truscon Division, and has been in the Islands for several years. Mr. Fraser has spent many years in the con- Mr. A. A. struction and steel industry. In 1921 he went to Sto. Domingo as field engineer for the Barahona Sugar Company, remaining in construction work until 1924 when he entered sales engineering, becoming successively branch manager of the Indianapolis, Dallas, Texas and San Francisco of fices of the General Fire-proofing Building 16 Products Co., a subsidiary of the Truscon Steel Company. When that company was absorbed by the Truscon Steel Company, Mr. Fraser was made assistant manager of the San Francisco office, later being transferred to their Pacific Coast works at Los Angeles, in charge of sales of the Steel Window and Door Division. ' Mr. Fraser came to :,. . the Philippines in January, 1938 as represenFRASER tative of the Republic Steel Corporation and its subsidiary companies: the Truscon Steel Company, Berger Manufacturing Co., Union Drawn Steel Co., Steel and Tubes, Inc., and the Nile Steel Products Co., for whose products the Marsman Trading Corporation have exclusive representation throughout the Philippine Islands. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for March, 1940 down of the diesel plant, after which he will leave for Sumatra for the Atjeh property. Bound for Sumatra also is C. A. ·weekly, who sailed on the "Conte Rosso" on March 15th. Philip E. Wright of Sausalito, Califfornia, has just arrived to join the mine staff of San Mauricio Mining Co. A graduate of Stanford University, Mr. Wright spent some time in Korea working for the Oriental Consolidated Mining Co. E. S. Geary, of the Machinery Department of Marsman Trading Corporation, is now in charge of the Paracale Branch of the Corporation, relieving H. J. H. Maclean who is abroad on leave. C. H. Hirst, manager of the Machinery Department of Marsman Trading Corp., is returning to Manila with his wife and daughter on the "President Cleveland", which arrives about April 2nd. CloseBa•aa Relalio•hip11 -at.t w ... ,. tlala h1ti •ntl lhe people ol thla CommunUi. THERB are no cft"ridlq lin• betweea &be interests aad welfare of tbl8 bank and Cite Interests and welfare of Its aelehbon, whether or aot tber are cutomen. Our depelitol'll who •tru& tbell fund.a lo oar keepln1 repreaeat a broad ....... e of the men and women of the CommanltJ. Oar borrow el'• are men and women engaged la aetl't'e bn+ea eaterprlaea which, we feel, entitle them to the ue of the bank'• credit resources created with the aid of our depositors' mone7. This bank, u a center of the laandal In· terests of these men and women, make11 pomlble iDterchanae of pracdeal laelpfalneu. PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST COl\IPANY Manila, Philippine.1 Four Provincial Branches at your Service Baguio, Mountain Province Tarlac, Tarlac-San Pablo, Laguna San Fernando, Pampanp THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for March, 1940 17