United Paracale Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

United Paracale Mining Company
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
UNITED PARACALE MINING COMPANY Gold production at United Paracale for March was P255,033.43, from the treatment of 9,867 tons, an average recovery of P25.85 per ton. Extraction was 88.55%Development footage amounted to 894, of which 583 feet were in capital and 311 feet in operating. Of the capital 52 feet were in ore, as were 168 feet of the operating. The 24 Drift North, MacDonald Zero level, was advanced 86 feet along the vein 1.8 feet wide assaying less than average ore. The 301 Drift North, Longos 300 level, was advanced 32 feet along the vein 5.7 feet wide averaging better than average, while the 301 Drift South was advanced 8 feet along the vein 7.2 feet wide assaying less than average ore. The San Antonio Counter Shaft, San Antonio 200 level, was started and sunk 3 feet. The Longos Shaft No. 3 was sunk 22 feet, bringing the depth to 115 feet below the 300 level. The shaft station, Longos 400 Ievel, was started. The shaft station, San Antonio 200 level, was started and is nearly completed. North Camarines-United Paracale The total development advance during the month amounted to 33 feet. The 478 Drift South, Sindicato level 87, was advanced 43 feet along the vein 1.4 feet wide assaying better than average. 116.1 tons of ore were milled during the month. General Construction of the Longos Power House extension has been completed. The new 500 H.P. Worthington generating set arrived during March and its installation was immediately begun. On March 28th, the town of Paracale was visited by another disastrous fire similar to, but more severe, than that of May 1937. Almost the whole busiCOCO GROVE, INC. The March production figure was P75,299.82 from the dredges "Mary Angus'' and "Anne Petronella" as follows: The dredge "Mary Angus" handled 48,830 cubic yards of pay gravel from which P44,133.25 was recovered. Overburden removed amounted to 109, 735 cubic yards. The total area dredged vrns 71,685 square feet, to an average depth of 59. 7 feet. The "Anne Petronella'' dredged 126,485 cubic yards of pay gravel, from which P31,166.57 was recovered. Overburden removed amounted to 37,725 cubic yards. Total area dredged was 105, 705 square feet, to an average depth of 41.9 feet The dredge "Rotterdam" handled 40,060 cubic yards, which were overburden. Total area dredged was 55, 750 square feet, to an average depth of 19.4 feet. During March, the "Mary Angus" continued operations southwest of the Paracale Lighthouse and had by the end of the month reached the old tailings area, where blasting had to be applied to loosen up the ground sufficiently to be worked. The "Anne Petronella" operated in the beach area, where particular skill is required of the dredge crew and cannot be compared with routine dredging operations. The "Rotterdam'' worked i3 weeks digging a channel along the shore and pumping the dredged material into the pond which had been previously dredged by the "Anne Petrcmella" in the Paracale town block. By the end of the month this area was practically filled in so that during April the streets can be rebuilt. Weather conditions in general were favorable. ness section of the town was burned out, as well as probably three-quarters of the private residences. With the exception of a small power line running through the town, the company suffered no losses from the fire. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for April, :1.940