The Second Paracale Fire - Marsman Mines Undamaged pp.16


Part of The Marsman Magazine

The Second Paracale Fire - Marsman Mines Undamaged pp.16
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE SECOND PARACALE FIRE -Mar.sman Mines Undamaged (Another disastrous fire swept the town of Paracale-the first being in May, 1937-on March 28. None of the Marsman buildings were damaged, the Marsman compound being located on the outskirts of the town. The following account of the fire was written by the 12-year-eld son of John Butler, experimental metallurgist at the Marsman test plant at San Mauricio) . THE PARA CALE DISASTER By John Butler, age 12 The fire started in the market, at about two o'clock, on the morning of March 28, 1940. Spreading on three sides the fire soon reached the Ala tco Station. The men took all of the automobiles in the Station and left, taking many homeless people to safety. Shortly after this there was a loud explosion, and the station itself was blown into the street. The fire continued spreading through the business district, burning many stores and destroying two of the town's three theaters. The municipal building caved in, and all that can be seen is the roof toppled in the ruins. Thousands were left homeless when the residential section went up in flames. In the morning all that could be seen of that part was a mass of black coals, which were still burning and smoking. The telephone wires were down and no cars or trucks were going through (Continued on page 17) eeCentury'' ASBESTOS-CEMENT WALL BOARDS 14 Keasbey & Mattison Company manufactures asbestos-cement wallboards for interior or exterior use. K&M Decorative Sheetflextos is a fire resisting sheet, durable and sanitary. It is finished with a polished wax surface making an deal treatment for kitchens, restaurants, game rooms or corridors. Available in five colors: Light Gray, Slate Gray, Buff, Rose and Green. K&l\1 Sheetflextos is a light gray wallboard especially suited for industrial sheathing. K&M Buff Linabestos is an all purpose wallboard which can be used as a are placement for wood, plaster or sheet metal. K&M wallboards are furnished in large sheets which can be easily worked. KEASBEY & COMPANY AMBLER, PA. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for April, 1940 The Second Paracale ... (Continued from page 14) the town. The post office was not burned, but since the telephone wires were out, the operator was not able to reach Manila or other places. panies cared for their laborers who were burned out. The old church, which is made of stone, and consequently was not destroyed, is being used as a place for relief work, where food and clothing are being distributed to the hungry and homeless by the American women who acted as volunteers until the Red Cross can take over the task. None of the Marsman buildings were burned. As most of United Paracale Mining Company's workmen live in the town, only a skeleton crew reported for work. The managements of all comThe fire, which made the sky red for miles around, could be seen from San Mauricio Mine, which is 20 kilometers from Paracale. Close Bamaa Relalio•hips -alst betrDeen this bank and the people ol this Community. TBERB are no dividing lines between lhe interests and weUare of thiB bank and the interests and welfare of its neighbors, whether or not they are customers. Our depositors who entrust their funds to OW' keepln1 represent a broad Herage of the men and women of the Community. Our borrowers are men and women engaged ln active b11.1inea enterprises which, we feel, entitle them to the uae of the ba:nk'a credit resources created with the aid of our depositors' money. This bank, as a center of the 8.nancial interests of these men and women, ma.kea pomible interchange of prac&ical helpfW..Oeu. PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST COl\IPANY Manila, Philippinea Four Provincial Branches at your Service Baguio, Province Tarlac, Tarlac-San Pablo, Laguna San Fernando, Pa.inpanga THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for April, 1940 17