

Part of The Marsman Magazine

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PERSONALS A PRIZE CATCH A Central Press dispatch from the States recently gave prominence to Mr. Marsman's fishing achievements. Details were as follows : Mr. Marsman caught the first white sea bass of Santa Catalina Island's season recently, came within two pounds of breaking the record for the heaviest-as the Central Press put it-"If this fish had eaten breakfast, he'd have been a world's record". Mr. Marsman is shown with a 151f2 pounder in the accompanying picture, while other heavies are at his feet. There has been a recent addition to the family of Mr. & Mrs. Norman S. Carlson of Philippine Smelting Co., Twins, a boy, Jon Ross, and a girl, Jean Sandra, were born on Saturday, March 23rd. Messrs. J. B. Stapler and C. A. Weekley left recently for Sumatra,-the former on the "Tjitjalengka" on March 31st, and the latter on the "Conte Rosso" on March 15th. Mrs. Benj. S. Ohnick left for the States on March 27th, on the "California Clipper." 16 Several newcomers have joined the staffs of the Marsman mines :-Dana W. Leeke has just joined United Paracale as assayer. He is a graduate in Mining Engineering, Class of 1910, Colorado School of Mines, and for the past ten years has been assayer and metal1 urgist for various mining companies in Korea. Oliver M. Carlson who just arrived from the States, is stationed on the Itogon staff as mine shift boss. He is a graduate in Mining Engineering, Class of 1915, Colorado School of Mines. Another Colorado School of Mines graduate to join the Marsman staff, is George R. Johnson, who just arrived from the States. He has been sent to Coco Grove. He has had several years' experience in dredge work in Breckenridge and in Bolivia. P. L. Funkhouser, formerly Mill Superintendent at Suyoc, has now been transferred to Itogon, replacing Wm. D. Peregrine, who resigned the first part of April. A. F. Crosby has been promoted at Suyoc as Mill Superintendent. C. W. Caldwell, formerly mill shifter at United Paracale, has resigned. H. V. Olsen, mill foreman at San Mauricio, left recently on a four-months vacation to the States. Mrs. Lottie Elizabeth Malmstrom, wife of Clarence C. Malmstrom of Marsman & Company, Inc., died April 19th at St. Paul's Hospital after a lingering illness. Funeral services were held Sunday, April 21st, at the Union Church. Mrs. Malmstrom was born in Kasota, Minnesota, on November 19th, 1882, the second daughte rof John and Minnie Weger. After a long residence in Denver, Colorado, she came to Manila with her family, where she resided about four years. Surviving are her husband, two <laughters, Mrs. Helen M. Brown and Miss Betty Malmstrom, and two sisters, Mrs. S. W. Thompson, of Manila, and Mrs. Arline Menton Gibson, of Mankato, Minnesota. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for April, 1940