Editorial - Bright prospects


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Editorial - Bright prospects
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
EDITORIAL BRIGHT PROSPECTS Excellent results for 1939 and promising prospects for 1940 and the years to come were reported to the shareholders of the Marsman-managed operating mines at the annual meetings held recently. The financial position of each of these mining companies was sound; dividends for this year are expected to exceed those of 1939, in spite of the large investments necessary to insure sufficient stocks of equipment and supplies during the unsettled world conditions now prevailing. Table Of Contents Marsmans Returning To Manila Marsman Trophy To Be Presented May First ............................. . San Mauricio, Palidan-Suyoc, Pay Shareholders ........................... . Itogon Mining Company ............ . Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company .. United Paracale Mining Company .... Coco Grove, Inc •..................... San Mauricio Mining Company ....... . Prige 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 6 It is a tribute to sound management and to thoughtful planning that this group of producing gold mines was brought to continued successful operation in such a comparatively short time. Many were the problems that had to be worked out-problems of mining, milling, construction, et cetera. Each yeBr has found operations at each of the Marsman mines more efficient; each year has resulted in lower costs and higher extraction. Ore reserves are being systematically increased; and none of the mines have exhausted their possibilities for additional ore. Palidan Pays P.01 • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Sears Service With A Smile . . . . . . . . . . . 9-11 Marsman Trading Sponsors Town Meeting Of The Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 The Second Paracale Fire - The Paracale Disaster .................... 14, 17 Personals • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Production Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Editorial - Bright Prospects 19 San Mauricio Annual Meeting 20 THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE Published each month for Marsman & Company, Inc., MaTsma:n Building, Port Area, Manila, Philippines. P. 0. Box 297. The magazine is sent to all stockholders of Marsman managed properties and to all staff members of the companies associated with the Ma,-sman interests. NOTE: All ore values, bullion figures, etc., given in this magazine are expre.c;sed i:n pesos based on gold at $35.00 an ounce and silver at the market price. Figures given in monthly reports are based on mine assays, and may differ to some extent from final mint or smelter returns. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, PS A YEAR. RALPH KEELER, Editor and Business Manager THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for April, .1940 19