Suyoc Consolidated Mining Co


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Suyoc Consolidated Mining Co
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
SUYOC CONSOLIDATED MINING CO. Gold production at Suyoc Consolidated for April was P166,708.33, from the treatment of 6,349 tons, an average recovery of P26.26 per ton, which sets a new production record for Suyoc. Extraction was 88.66 7~. Development footage amounted to 1,467, of which 878 feet were in capital and 589 feet in operating. Of the capital advance 130 feet were in ore, as were 69 feet of the operating development. Number 1 Shaft was sunk 30 feet. The 2260 Crosscut East was advanced 50 feet and was stopped. Drifting will be started when the ventilation improves. The 21242 Drift South has been stopped and a service raise is being run to 2000 level. The raise is on the No. 2 Vein, which is 1 foot wide and runs in average ore. The 20262 No. 1 and No. 2 were advanced 13 and 22 feet on the No. 2 Vein, which is 1 and 1.2 feet wide respectively and runs in slightly less than average ore. The 18270 No. 1 Drift North was advanced 19 feet on the vein which has widened to 2 feet, with ore assaying an average grade. The 1850 Crosscut East cut the No. 4 Vein, which is 1.5 feet wide and runs approximately average. This is encouraging on the 1800, as values were not encountered in the No. 4 Vein on 1700. The 14250 Drift South was advanced 34 feet on the vein which is 2 feet wide, and assays less than average. An electric hoist was installed in 2246 Winze, and an electric pump will be installed in the winze pump station. A new cage was installed in No. 1 Shaft. Four hundred electric battery miners' lamps were received and are gradually being put in use. 6 SAN MAURICIO MINING CO. Production for April at San Mauricio totalled P547,008.01 from the treatment of 14,397 tons. Average recovery was P37.99, while extraction was 94.73/{::. Development footage amounted to 2,244, of which 1,652 feet were capital and 592 feet operating advance. Of the capital advance, 222 feet were in ore, as were 213 feet of the operating development. In the San Mauricio Mine the South Drift on the Spokane Vein, 75 level, was advanced 44 feet in ore of better than average grade over a width of 12 inches. The North Drift on the above was driven 27 feet in high grade ore over a width of 12 inches. The North Drift on the Spokane Vein, 300 level, was advanced 96 feet in low grade ore. ·~:' Crosscut East 2260 North to Santa Ana, 300 level, was driven 237 feet, cutting the Imbong-Imbong Vein. Samples showed average values over a width of 12 inches. The North Drift on the Tacoma No. 1 Vein, 400 level, was driven 41 feet in low grade ore. The 370 Pump Station on the 200 level was completed. The Spokane Shaft was sunk 84 feet, now reaching the 400 level. The station at this level was completed. The No. 3 Tacoma Shaft was sunk 14 feet. In the Santa Ana Mine the North Drift on the 34 Vein, 300 level was advanced 50 feet in ore of better than average grade, over a width of 12 inches. The South Drift on the 340 Vein, 300 level, was driven 41 feet in average ore over a width of 12 inches. Crosscut Zero East to San Mauricio, 300 level, was advanced 182 feet. All development work continued in narrow veins, which when mined will show dilution. The installation of the diesel electric generating set No. 7 was completed. The diesel compressor installation at Santa Ana and the new crushing plant at San Mauricio are nearly finished. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for May, 1940