Tuba Project


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Tuba Project
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
COCO GROVE Production for April totalled Pl 13,326.00 from the dredges "Mary Angus" and "Anne Petronella", as follows: The dredge "Mary Angus" handled 111,155 cubic yards of pay gravel from which P56,230.52 was recovered. Overburden removed amounted to 55,780 cubic yards. The total area dredged was 96,300 square feet to an average depth of 46.8 feet. The "Anne Petronella" dredged 113,405 cubic yards of pay gravel from which P57,095.48 was recovered. Overburden removed amounted to 59,055 cubic yards. Total area dredged was 100,630 square feet to an average depth of 46.3 feet. The dredge "Rotterdam" handled 33,432 cubic yards, which were overburden. Total area dredged was 78,300 square feet, to an average depth of 11.5 feet. During April the "Mary Angus" carried out operations in the old tailings area in the Paracale River bend west of the lighthouse, results being satisfactory. As expected, the dredge found virgin pay ground at several places, which were overstepped by the old Australian dredges. The "Anne Petronella" operated along the foreshore but at the end of the month reached the area which had been prepared by the suction dredge "Rotterdam". Recovery was fair. At the beginning of the dry season the annual overhaul on both dredges was started. Due to this necessary TUBA PROJECT During April the Tuba mill treated 1,829 tons of ore, from which P56,070.06 was produced, an average recovery of P30.66 per ton. Extraction was 94.0 % . The development advance was 1,057 feet, of which 511.5 feet were in capital and 545.5 feet in operating. Of the capital development 20.0 feet were in ore, as were 260.5 feet of the operating advance. Encouraging results were encountered on the 150-foot level, by Raise 101-D, and also in stopes 102-C and 104-A. Development work is now being done on a sub-level 40 feet below the 150 level, immediately over the 204 stopes where there appears to be a split in the Rose vein. The hanging-wall or north split shows promise of producing ore. On the 350 level results were good. A dog hole is now being driven to cut at a lower elevation a lens of high grade ore which Raise 307-A intersected. General plant operations continued to be normal throughout the month. work and the replacement of parts, the costs of maintenance and repairs during April were higher than usual. The suction dredge "Rotterdam", after having completed the reclamation work in the Paracale town block, continued pumping material onto the sandbar which was extended and already now affords a considerable protection. Weather conditions during April were favorable. I. BECK, INC. Provided Miners Since 1898 Retail&: Wholesale Wearing Apparel. Haberdashery for Men, Women & Children. Big Line of Household goods. Radios. Phonographs. Beds. ·Toys. Send for catalogue For Reference ask any old Mining Man THE MARSMAN MAGAZl~E for May, 1940