Marsman Trading establishes dealers in provinces


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Marsman Trading establishes dealers in provinces
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
MARSMAN TRADING ESTABLISHES DEALERS IN PROVINCES In accordance with plans for the expansion of its activities, the Marsman Trading Corporation has recently undertaken a program for the establishment of authorized dealers throughout the Philippines. Such dealers are being very carefully selected for their experience, standing in their respective communities, and progressiveness in business. They will represent the entire line of products imported by the Marsman Trading Corporation, including all types of building materials and iron and steel products; Silvertone radios; Coldspot refrigerators; Pennzoil; electrical wiring devices and ·fixtures; and many additional lines. Stocks of merchandise will be carried on hand by each dealer, so that customers in the provincial areas can be served to the best possible advantage. Upon completion of this program of dealer distribution, coupled with the branches operated directly by the Marsman Trading Corporation at such points as Baguio, Paracale, Iloilo, Bacolod, Cebu, and Davao, the Marsman Trading Corporation will have established one of the most complete and efficient distribution systems operating in the Philippines. Such a system of distribution will not only enable the Marsman Trading Corporation to service all possible markets, but will also add materially to the total volume of business enjoyed by the company. A unique feature of the company's program calls for the use of a standard form of store front, not only for authorized provincial dealers, but for all of the Marsman Trading Corporation branches as well. This standard front will employ a combination of blue and silver, which are the colors of the Marsman Trading Corporation. They will be composed entirely of products distributed by the company, thus serving as a method of demonstration of such products as well as identifying the store as a unit of the Marsman Trading Corporation organization. A typical standard store front for provincial dealers is shown below. BEFORE ..... . A typical provincial business district (at Tarlac, Tarlac); the boarded-up portion is the location selected by Mr. Arturo E. Ilagan, Distributor for Tarlac province, as his headquarters store. AFTER ..... . Taken a few days later, during the remodeling operations, the above photograph illustrates the remarkable trans/ ormation created by the use of the standard store front designed for all Marsman distribution outlets. The same standard plan is used by all distributors.