

Part of The Marsman Magazine

In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
PERSONALS Charles J. Sherwood has joined the staff of Marsman Trading Corp. in charge of the Electrical Department sales. He has been in the Philippines for six years on the staff of Western Equipment & Supply Co., and has a thorough knowledge of the electrical line. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Burgess, of Marsman Trading Corp., together with their son and daughter, left on the "Empress of Asia" on May 13th, for the United States and Canada. They expect to be away about six months, Mr. Burgess being on vacation. A despedida was given in their honor at the Blue Room of the Army and Navy Club on the 11th of May, from 5 to 7, the staff of Marsman Trading Corp. and several officials of Marsman & Company being present. C. C. Malmstrom and his daughter, Betty, are leaving the middle of June to catch a boat at Hongkong, sailing from there on June 20th, on a vacation trip to the States. Miss Malmstrom intends to remain in New York to continue her art work. C. F. Myers, former mine superintendent at ltogon Mining Co., resigned on April 9th to return to the United States. A. F. Crosby and G. J. Scheuermann, of Suyoc Consolidated, were promoted to Acting Mill Superintendent and Assistant Mill Superintendent respectively. S. L. Rohrer, also of Suyoc, was transferred to the mill as shift boss; J. W. Harman took over the supervision of the Assay Department, during the month of April. The General Automotive Service & Supply Co. has just been appointed the Pennzoil distributor for the Baguio district, and is now handling Pennzoil products in the Mountain Province. The company has its retail store on 57th Street in Baguio, in back of the Long Distance Telephone Co. A "bienvenida" party was given by the Filipino employ e es on Sunday, May 12, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Marsman at Quezon City. Here the g u e s t s of hon01· are enjoying "lechon". Left to right: A. V. Santiago, Mrs. M. Villarica, Mrs. de las Alas, Mr. and Mrs. Marsman, Miss Lily de las Alas, Mr. Strait, M r . John O'Malle11. Da11cill[J follu1l'ed the luncheon at Quezon City. Here are the Marsmans 8 u r - rounded b y some of the hosts. Mr. Robert de Vos, Managing Director of Marsman Hongkong China, Ltd., arrived in Manila with the Marsmans on the "President Coolidge", on a business trip. He left Sunday, May 12th, on the "City of San Francisco". E. V. Dahl, sales representative of the Davao office of Marsman Trading Corp., has been in Manila for several weeks, conferring with Manila officials. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hirst and their daughter returned to Manila on the "President Cleveland" the first part of April. Mr. Hirst is connected with Marsman Trading Corp., where he is now Manager of the Machinery & Supply Dept., due to increased activity in this line. While in the States Mr. Hirst visited the home offices and factories of several of the agencies carried by Marsman Trading Corp., obtaining up-to-date information on sales and service points. Marsman Trading Corporation Philippine Representatives for the ATLAS POWDER COMPANY -cs-Everything for Blasting San Francisco, California Cable Address-Giant-San Francisco, California ATLAS EXPLOSIVES AND BLASTING SUPPLIES 22 THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for May, 1940