San Mauricio Stock Listed on San Francisco Exchange


Part of The Marsman Magazine

San Mauricio Stock Listed on San Francisco Exchange
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
June 1940 MAGAZINE Vol. IV No. 12 SAN MAURICIO STOCK LISTED ON SAN FRANCISCO EXCHANGE The listing of the stock of the San Mauricio Mining Company on the San Francisco Stock Exchange has been approved. San Mauricio is now listed on the board of the Exchange, which is the largest stock exchange in the western United States. Transfer agent in San Francisco for the stock is the Wells Fargo Bank and Union Trust Co., whil'e the registrar is the Crocker First National Bank. Philippine owners of San Mauricio stock may send their certificates to San Francisco for trading, and San Francisco certificates will be issued in their place. Likewise, certificates issued in San Francisco may be exchanged in Manila for Philippine certificates. The unit of trading in San Francisco is the same as in Manila, shares of par value ten centavos. San Mauricio is one of the world's outstanding mines. Its ore has one of the highest values per ton of any Philippine mine (recovery average P34.12 per ton for May and P37.01 for April). Production is over P500,000.00 per month. The San Mauricio Mining Company was incorporated in January, 1934. Production was started in March, 1936, and up to the end of 1939 has been over Pl4,000,000. The first dividend was paid in 1936; since that time (up to the end of 1939) dividends amounting to P2,500,000 plus a stock dividend of 100% have been paid. Since the first of the vear the mine has produced P2,631.000 aPd has paid P600,000 in cash dividends. Ore reserves as of January 1, 1940. were 518,086 tons valued at Pl9.843,384. The directors of San Mauricio are: H. P. L. Jollye, president; J. H. Marsman, vice-president; Major A. Beckerleg, vice-president; P. A. Meyer, vicepresident; H. M. Cavender, S. J. Wilson, and Dr. Antonio Vasquez. Secretary and Mrs. Antonio de las A las entertained some thrPe hundred Manila socialites, business executfoes and governmental officials at a reception held 2t the Wack Wack & Country Club on TVednesday evening, June 12th. Here Secretary and Mrs. de las A las are with the gn?sts of honor a.c; they prepared to receive their guest.c:;.