Coco Grove, Inc.


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Coco Grove, Inc.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
COCO GROVE, INC. The May production figure was P122,449.54, from a total yardage handled by the "Mary Angus" and the "Anne Petronella" of 340,035. The dredge "Mary Angus" handled 122, 725 cubic yards of pay gravel, from which P61,261.26 was recovered. Overburden removed amounted to 4 7 ,685 cubic yards. The total area dredged was 102,250 square feet, to an average depth of 44. 9 feet. The "Anne Petronella" dredged 105,340 cubic yards of pay gravel, from which P61,188.28 was recovered. Overburden removed amounted to 64,285 cubic yards. Total area dredged was 134,875 square feet to an average depth of 33.9 feet. The dredge "Rotterdam" handled 29,220 cubic yards, which were overburden. Total area dredged was 66,150 square feet, to an average depth of 11.9 feet. This dredge was shut down from May 5th to 7th inclusive, and from May 21st to the end of the month. During May, the "Mary Angus" continued operations in the old tailings area in the Paracale River bend west of the Paracale Lighthouse. At the end of the month this dredge had reached virgin ground, and on the 2nd of June it made the turn to the west heading for the foreshore area. The results of the gold recovery in the tailings area were satisfactory. During the first days of May, the "Anne Petronella" was operating in the foreshore area southeast of the Paracale Lighthouse. On May 5th this dredge was moved into a new position opposite our seawall, where drill holes had shown very good values. However, the dredge encountered difficulties due to a boulder field, of which approximately 300 tons were dredged up. Most of these boulders were used to extend and re-enforce 4 SAN MAURICIO MINING COMPANY May production at San Mauricio totalled P500,030.34, from the treatment of 14,651 tons. Average recovery was P34.13, while extraction was 94.27%. Development footage amounted to 2,314, of which 1,666 feet were in capital and 648 feet in operating. Of the capital advance, 492 feet were in ore, as were 127 feet of the opera ting advance. The South Drift on the Spokane Vein, 75 Level was advanced 64 feet in low grade ore, while the North Drift was advanced 62 feet in ore above average. The North Drift on the Spokane Vein, 300 Level, was driven 109 feet in ore of average grade over a width of 2 feet. The North Drift on the Tacoma No. 1 Vein, 400 Level, was driven 106 feet in high grade ore, over a width of 13 inches. The North Drift on the 2525 Vein was advanced 129 feet in average ore. The Spokane Shaft was sunk 85 feet to the 500 Level. The No. 3 Shaft was sunk 34 feet. In the Santa Ana Mine, the North Drift on the 340 Vein, 150 Level, was driven 6 feet in high grade ore over a width of 12 inches. The South Drift was driven 8 feet in ore above average grade. The Diesel compressor installation at Santa Ana was completed, as was the new crushing plant at San Mauricio. the northern section of our seawall. Although the recovery for the first two weeks in this area was low, a record recovery was made during the last few days of the month. Weather conditions during May were favorable, with the wind commencing to blow from the southwest. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for June, 1940