World Records in tunnel driving helped by EIMCO-Finlay loader


Part of The Marsman Magazine

World Records in tunnel driving helped by EIMCO-Finlay loader
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
WORLD RECORDS IN TUNNEL DRIVING HELPED BY EIMCO-FINLA Y LOADER The attention of mining men the world over is being focused on the remarkable driving records being achieved in the Carlton Tunnel, now being driven by the Golden Cycle Corporation near Crippl'e Creek, Colorado. This tunnel, which will drain some of the largest properties in the famous Cripple Creek district, was advanced 1881 feet in the 31 days from March 10 to April 9 inclusive. On April 5 the tunnel was advanced 74 feet in 24 hours, which is also considered a world's record. A model 21 Eimco-Finl'ay Loader is operating in this tunnel, and with it 8-foot rounds (10' by 11' section) are mucked out in from 50 to 60 minutes. The efficiency of this loader has contributed much to the speed with which the tunnel is being advanced. EIMCO-FINLAY loaders are being used in many leading Philippine mines: Itogon, San Mauricio, United Paracale, Santa Rosa, Suyoc, and others. The EIMCO Corporation is represented in the Philippines by Marsman Trading Corpora ti on and full details as to EIMCO loaders and other equipment may be obtained from any of the Marsman Trading branches. SUYOC CONSOLIDATED MINING COMPANY May production at Suyoc was Pl65,151.22 from the treatment of 6,437 tons, an average recovery of P25.66. Extraction was 88.05 ro. The development advance was 1,611 feet, 1,038 feet of which were in capital and 573 feet in operating. Of the capital advance, 312 feet were in ore, as were 87 feet of the operating advance. Number 1 Shaft was sunk 25 feet, work being slow due to necessary timbering. The 23242 Drift North was advanced 21 feet, of which 5 feet were in ore. The 20262 No. 1 and No. 2 Drifts North were advanced 12 and 21 feet respectively on ore which is 2 and 1.5 feet wide. All development on the ore on 2000 and 2200 Levels will be stopped temporarily in order to concentrate on the development work from 1900 Level up. The 19262 No. 1 and No. 2 Drifts North and South were advanced a total of 103 feet on ore approximately 2 feet wide and assaying above average. The 1870 Crosscut East cut the No. 2 Split of the No. 2 Vein. The vein is 4 feet wide and assays above average. The 17264 Drift North advanced 10 feet on the vein which is 1 foot wide. Eimco Loader on the job