Philippine delegates at U.N. propose freedom of information


Part of The Philippine Gazette

Philippine delegates at U.N. propose freedom of information
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
PHILIPPINE DELEGATES AT U. N. PROPOSE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION The Philippine delegates to the United :'\ations proposed that in the 19+7 conference on Economic and Social Problems, the freedom of information will be included. The Philippine proposal would include persons anivel1· engaged in journalism, radio and motion pictures. L~~:~l~~l~OP~E~~~p ] lodies' ood Gcots' s,;,. Mode To O•de< ~ I Alterations of All Kinds All Work Guaranteed 307 Kay Sheet Sacramento 'TALOFF ELECTRIC CO. Lighting Fixtures, s.,pplies Ebclricol Appliances Radios I 009 5th STREET Sacramento, Calif. MATHEWS CLOTHES The House of a Thousa11d Suits 603 Kay Street . (Opposite Breuner"s} SUITS - OVERCOATS SPORT COATS - SLACKS [ HN~~R:.,;~Rr;;~~~R~~~E ] In At ' A. M.-O'JT SAME DAY 505 EYE STREET PHONE 3-4936 SACRAMENTO [ . MANUEL JOSEPH ELECTRIC CENTER DISPLAYS PHONE 3-3937 1020 JAY ST. SACRAMENTO PRAYER HELD ~OR BROTHER DUCOLAN A prayer was held at the Temple of the Legionarios de! Trajajo, November 24, at 5 :30 p. m., in rnemory of Brother Ducolan, founder of the .local lodge who die.<! a year ago. Brother Ray Cabanela. presided. He called on Rev. VicePt" A. Zambra, for a reading of the Holy Scripture and prayer. Then Brother V. Quiaot. Brother Pasca~io and Brother Revnon spoke ki.ncl ine:nories of the thoughfulness of Brdther Ducolan. Ar the end of the prayer a meeting 11:as held at the lodge under the leadership of Brother Cabanela. NEVADA INVITES U. N. BOULDER CITY. :'-lev., Nov. 17The Boulder City Chamber of Commerce today invited the United Nations organization to make its permanent home here. [ . MERR} 1 ' 00 C 8 ,f 6 -T 1 Rh T5STRTEIE~T1AS mu/. ] A /-IA PPY NEW YEAR Phooe 3.9:5EE PH~::~~~o. CALIF. COMMERCIA!.. HOTE'. AND RESTAURANT l tt1/im1 and Steak Dinners · ' Telephone 3-3688 Emmett Regan, Owner Johnny Flynn, Mgr. ?rd and I STS., SACRAMENTO, CALIF. SACRAMENTO LOAN and JEWELRY co;· Money to Loon on Watches, Jewelry Expert Watch Repairing Unredeemed Pledges For Sole Wardrobe Trunks Our Specialty 531 Koy Street · Sacramento -11