With the Marsman Men


Part of The Marsman Magazine

With the Marsman Men
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
WITH THE MARSMAN MEN Mr. J. H. Marsman, accompanied by Mr. F. J. Courtney and Mr. H. A. Ottiger, left Manila on May 24th on the KNILM plane for Batavia, arriving there the same afternoon. Messrs. Mars man and Courtney, accompanied by Mr. C. A. Weekley, returned on the "Tjitjalengka" on Sunday, June 2nd. 2nd. Mr. Laird left on the "California Clipper" on June 7th, while Mr. Kerr left on the "Philippine Clipper" June 15th, both bound for the United States on business. Mr. J. 0. Enberg, accompanied by his w·ife, left on the "Honolulu Clipper" on May 25th for San Francisco. Mr. Robert de Vos, Managing Director of Marsman Hongkong China, Ltd., arrived in Manila on the "Empress of Russia" on June 9th, for a business conference with officials of Marsman & Company. Mr. Benj. S. Ohnick left on June 7th on the "California Clipper" for the States on a four-month vacation trip. Miss Anne P. Marsman left San Francisco on the 11th of June on the "Honolulu Clipper", and arrived in MaMessrs. Geo. W. Kerr and T. B. nila on the 17th. She has been attendLaird, Jr. arrived from Burma on June ing school in San Francisco. K & M flSBESTOS PflPER & MILLBORRD K&M Asbestos Paper is characterized by its smooth finish, strength and uniformly white color. The reason for the high quality of K&M Paper is the fact that it is composed of pure Canadian asbestos fibre mixed with a small quantity of binding material. K&M Asbestos Paper is furnished in several grades which are suited for a variety of heat insulating purposes. K&M Millboard is an asbestos board used as a fireproof liner for ceilings, floors, partitions, furnaces. It can also be cut into gaskets or discs. KERSBEY & MRTTISON COMPRNY AMBLER, PA. Philippine Representatives: MARSMAN TRADING CORPORATION THE MARS MAN MAGAZINE for June, 1940 15 C. A. Weekley left on the "Philippine l\Irs. Freda Osborne has joined the Clipper" on June 15th for the United staff of Marsman & Company as States on a combined business and receptionist. pleasure trip. C. C. Malmstrom and his daughter, Betty, left for the L"nited States June 16th on the "Tj idadane". From Hongkong they will take the "Tatsuta lVIaru". There has been a recent addition to the family of R. W. :Malcolm, manager of the Escolta store of Marsman Trading Corp. A seven-pound daughter, named Linda Jean, was born on June 4th at 1 P.M. at the St. Luke's Hospital. 16 Close Ba•aa Belaliouhips -alst bdlffflll tlala bank •ntl tlae people ol tlala CommunU11. TBERB are ne dhidlq lines betweea the Interests and welfare of &bla bank and the Interests and welfare of Its nef&hbon. whether or not the1 are eaatomera. Our depolliton who •trust their fund.ate our keepln1 repnaeat a broad Herage of the men and womea of the CommanltJ. Om borrowers are men and women ea1&1ecl In acth'e bufnem eaterpriaea which, we feel, endtle Cbem to the ue of the bank'• eredlt reeoarcea created with the aid of oar depositors' mon91. Th.ls bank, u a center of the lbwaeial Interests of these men and women, makea poadble interchange of practical belpfuba.._ PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST COl\IPANY Manila, Philippines Four Provincial Branches at your Service Baguio, Mountain Province Tarlac, Tari~ Pablo, Laguna San Fernando, Painpan~a THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for June, 1940