Two new arrivals for Marsman Organization


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Two new arrivals for Marsman Organization
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Mr. Delamar, left, and Dr. Engel, right, are met at Cavite by Mr. Dankwerth. TWO NEW ARRIVALS FOR MARSMAN ORGANIZATION A distinguished arrival on the "Honolulu Clipper'' on Monday was Dr. Rene Engel', chemical and metallurgical engineer who came to join the staff of Marsman & Company, Inc. as a consultant. Dr. Engel is a world authority on industrial chemistry and metallurgy. He received his early education at the University of Paris and spent some years in technical work for the French government, after receiving his Master of Science degree in mining and geology at the University of Paris in 1912. During 1917 and 1918 Dr. Engel was a member of the scientific commission for the coordination of industrial chemical' problems between the United States, France, and England. He later worked on the solution of the various problems involved in the Saar coal area. He went to the United States and engaged in various metallurgical and chemical projects there. In 1933 he was awarded a deg~e of Doctor of Philosophy in geol'ogy and chemistry at the California Institute of Technology. Since 1934 Dr. Engel has been engaged in consulting practice in Pasadena and San Francisco on milling, metallurgical and chemical probl'ems in industry. Dr. Engel will travel extensively over the Philippines in connection with various Marsman projects now in process of formation. It is believed that one of his main studies will be that of THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for June, 1940 the utilization of some of the many raw material's available here. Dr. Engel is particularly interested in petroleum, coal and other non-metallic resources in the Philippines, and is expected to spend considerable time in their study. Rudolph Delamar arrived Monday on the Clipper from San Francisco to join the Marsman organization. Mr. Delamar is one of 1ihe most experienced dredging engineers in the United States, his work having taken him to many parts of the world during the past twenty years. Mr. Delamar, after a brief visit in Manila, will proceed to Sumatra to supervise dredge construction for one of the Marsman subsidiaries. He came here from New York where he was on the staff of the New York Engineering Co. Mr. Delamar had his early experience with the Bucyrus Co. of Milwaukee. Later he was on the staff of the Yuba Construction Co. of California. He has supervised the design, construction, and operation of dredges in various parts of the United States, Alaska, Brazil, Col'ombia, and Siberia. His experience also covers drilling and sampling placer ground in the above countries, as well as in British Columbia, Brazil, and British Guiana. 17