Philippine Delegation Chairman hopes for one world of culture


Part of The Philippine Gazette

Philippine Delegation Chairman hopes for one world of culture
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
.\H.J. _I. L. C:\'\SECO .. \RC. Legion Post Commander On .\1 iii tan· Traning Program .\Jaj. Canseco. proposes the adoption of 1nilitarr training program as an alertness for the ne\\· republic of the Orient. The Philippine Islands \\"as just born yesterday to iace the problems of the universe. The time has arri,·ed for her to stand solidh· alone. She must be \\·ell able to defend herseli for some da,· another nation may choo:'e htr once ~gain as the ,·ictim of insufficient strength as well as size and dcienseles.' people on earth. '\ o\\· is the time for tomorrow may be too late and she "·ill be the target. The aggressors will bcgi n again to use 1·our o\\·n bachards as battle fronts to ~xercise and display the horrible methods of tortures and inhuman destructions to blind the \\·orld. But let us bear in mind that 11·hen there is 11·ar. peace is being prepared. But \\"hen there is peace, \\"a~ is also being prepared. It may take from five to thirty years period of time to come but still either is being prepared. THE PHILIPPINE GAZETIE VOL. I, No. 5 DE:EMBER 1946 \ '-1 (~ ,·-~ .; =..:.\•S t:;!. t .:: 1t · , .. 1;1 r- l~ .,· 1314 'ix!h Str~c>'. S-cr::mcnto, C:il ifcrnio PHIUPP!NE DELl:GAT!Of.J CHAIRMAN 1-~0PES FOR "ONE WORW" OF CU!.TURE ~li:'trt1~r hl'nn'l'll 11atin11" j, th ,· :..:n·.11t':-t rh1Tat to the corllcpt or "nr1t· \\ c.1rld" . .Sen:-ttor Proct•.;o ~t·ha:"-tiar1. rha in11.111 11i the Philippi1w.; dl'ln.::ition to rlw l nirt·ll \"ation:o Ed11L;Hin11:d S1·il·1nitil· :111d l'1il · tt1;:d ()rg;rn iza~ion. Sl'naror ~l'h:t .... rian prt11H1 .... t·d rhar f(J "help di~pc] the mi~tnt :' t \\·hi1._·h LO!l1pl iratl':-. inrer11;1tirn1:d re!atirHl"' . \\ e prnpo..;e thl' gr:1d11al adoption h~· all na tion' oi :1 commo n medium ni \1.Titin~-at lea:'t ioi niiicial pt1rposc:-:.. he :'aid. "\\-l· al:'o \\·ill propO::>l' p11hlic:itio11 111 i11tc:r11ational llt\\·:-;pa:rl'r. intcrnario11;tf radio broa<lca....;;t:' and r\r hangc of :"-t11 - dent::> bet\\·een unin•r:-;itil'"' of ditfrrent nation:-. ".-\bo\·e all. \\"t' \\'ant to ..;ho\\· the \\·orld that :-;mall nation:' arl' ,,·illing to cooperate to cn:ate 'one ,,·orld' from the standpoints of educatin11, scienn· and nil· tu re." .\kmbers of the delegation th:it 1)·ill lean.' for Paris arc: Francisco ()rtr~a . speaker pro tem of the Philippine House of Representati,·cs; Senator Salipada Pendatum. Dr. c;abricl :\Ianalac. chairman of the '\ ational coinmittec on Education. and Dr. Encarnacion Alzona. professor at the l'niversity of the Philippines. CARNIE-GOODWIN-PENDLETON CO. CanvaH Goods 513-515 L STREET -2