Tuba Mines


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Tuba Mines
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
TUBA MINES During June, the Tuba mill treated 1,775 tons of ore from which P36,654.70 was produced. Recovery averaged P20.65 with extraction 92.1 %. of good ore. Work in all other Stopes was curtailed. - Good ore was encountered in Stope 303-A while fair ore was opened in Stopes 306-A and 306-F. Total development advance was 514.5 feet, of which 338.5 were in capital, and 176 feet were in operating. Of the capital development, 37 feet were in ore, as were 71 feet of the operating advance. During the first three weeks of the month, timbering of the main shaft was under repair which work prevented hoisting. Installation of a small Gyratory Crusher and a 30 foot Thickener were put into service, thereby increasing the capacity of the Mill but disrupting work during the actual installation. On the 150 foot level, a development heading ( 108) was started North from 104 Drift. On the 250 foot level no capital development work was performed. Stopes 209-E, 209-C, 202-D and 204-A produced a limited tonnage A Recreation Hall was completed during the month. 8 Close Ba•a• Relalioa11hip11 -aid ,,.,....,. tlala Nni .U the people of tlala Communlli. TBBBB are •• clhidlq lbaea IMJhr- the Interests and welfare of &Ids bank and the Interest. and welfare of 1&8 •elPbon, whether or aot tbe1 are eutomen. Oar depoal&on no •&rut tllelJ ,_ .. te oar keeplas repnaeat a koad aT-..e of &be men and wom• oltheCommaitJ. Oulaor· rowen are men and wom• eDPled la acdTe bulllw mtelpri8• whlcla, we feel, endtle ClaeJD to the DM of the bank'• credit reMarc• created with the aid of oar deposlton' moner. Thia bank, u a centel of the lnanclal In· teresta of theae men and women, make. poadble intercbaaae of pradieal belpfubaeu. PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST C01'1PANY Manila, Philippines Four Provincial Branches at your Service Baguio, Mountain Province Tarlac, Tarlac-San Pablo, Laguna San Fernando, Pa~panga THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for July, 1940