Reason must replace force, says Truman


Part of The Philippine Gazette

Reason must replace force, says Truman
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
The Filipino Church Of Christ 1~14 Sixth Street, Sacramento, Calif. Sunday School. ......... .10:00 A. M. Morning Service.... . .... 11:00 A. M. Rev. Vic(':ite A. Zombro, Pastor Phone 2-7064 REASON MUST REPLACE FORCE, SAYS TRUMAN ~ FILIPINO COMMUNITY CHURCH ~ of Chicago ;u="U-:J'I Sc,..ool-10 o m., 1849 'W. Von Buren SI. I .Ye, ship St>rvict: 8 p. r:i,, Lawson Y.M.C.A., I jC W. Chicago Ave. i Re' B 0. Tol.o::nrino, Fostor l _Chicugo, Ill. Telephone ChHapeoke 2-378 4(, !'IE\'\T YORK.- President Truman, in a message to the ~ew York HeraldTribune, said last night that "None of us can bow to force but all must yield to reason, justice and fair play." The president whose letter was read in the forum's concluding session, added that "it is not the convictions of men ,;·hich are sacred but the freedom· of minds of free men in a free world which is sacred." \Chinese Church of Christ l Sunday Ser"icei 11.o•r-i"q S'"'~;~e ll:OOo. rr.. S 1ndo\' Schcol . . ..... .. 2:]0 p. m. E•l!r.i"lg Sc·v;:e . 7:30 p. m. Rev. S. W. KWOK, Pastor 519 N Street Phone 2-6760 Sacramento, California For SUNDAY SCHOOLS and CHURCHES r:te Sotau- to '1"411' ~'P~ ~ll.'HSII:~ (JJ".uiwu.~d~~~~~~--' New • Complete ' Vivid "Ch .. istmos Blessings" ... fo"IY nalural cola slides ... ca"'efully P"epored ••• slriclly Biblical in con lent.:. non· denominotionol in choroete-. Here is o complete prog om · eody for your immediate us~ Clhe"' sets of full· color Bible slides o ·e avoiloble lo enable you to build a complcle visual library lo your church educational prog ·om. W 1te o telephone lo colo ·ad desc iplive c1 culo and free copy of Prog•·am Guide for .. C.h 1stma1 Blessings". CAPITAL BOOK & BIBLE HOUSE PHONE 3-5836 1122 BTH STREET SACRAMENTO TRUMAN CALLS NATION TO BE THANKFUL TO DIVINE PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON, ~ov. 28-In a formal proclamation of Thanksgiving, President Truman .called upon the nation "to devoutly grateful to Divine Providence for the richness of our endowment and the many blessings received." "May we continue to give good account of our ste\\·ardship by utilizing our resources in the service of mankind," he said. He called upon the people "to observe rhis day by ofiering thanks to God for the bounties vouchased us and bv rededicating ourselves to the preserva"tion of the blessings of liberty envisaged by our forefathers in the preamble of the Constitution.'' MANILA STRIKE ENDS MANILA, Nov. 19-President Manuel Roxas announced today that l\tianila's strike of municipal laborers had been settled and a threatened general strikr averted. -13