Message of Pres. Osmeña


Part of Farming and Cooperatives

Message of Pres. Osmeña
Farming and Cooperatives, 1 (1) November 1945
Osmeña, Sergio, 1878-1961
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
M E s s A G E of p R E s. 0 s M E N A I TAKE pleasure i,;ri greeting the initial issue of FARMING AND COOPERATIVES. I hope the publication will prosper by dcmonstrati11g its usefulness in the rehabilitation of our farms and homes. There was great need for such a journal be.fore the war; there is even greater nellll for it now. Not as immediately apparent as the destruction of our cities and towns but as far-reaching in its effects on our economic life is the ravaging of oil?" rural areas. Indispensable farming equipment and tools have been looted or destroyed. Work cmimals have been driven off and slaughtered by the invader. While certain farm lands hctve not been plcmted and now must be cleared off three years of undergrowth, others, particularly sugar lands, have not been properly cultivated and must now undergo a careful process of fertilization and restoration. Apart from the need of rehabilitating our farms, it is also necessary to rise above our pre-wwr stage of agricultural development, to turn to scientific methods so that we may increase our production. Our farmers should get the latest information not only on strictly agricultural matters but also on such al{ied subjects as poultry, animal husbandry and the home arts and handicrafts. It is obvious that a farm journal could be of immeasurable good in purveying information and leading public opinion about the reMJillitation of our farms and their improvement along scientific lines. May FARMING AND COOPERATIVES be able to fulfill the role which the needs of the times indicate. FARMING AND COOJ>ERATIVES