Our rural scouting plan


Part of Farming and Cooperatives

Our rural scouting plan
Farming and cooperatives, 1 (1) November 1945
Scouts (Youth organization members)--Philippines
Boy scouts--Philippines
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
With the WIND, the SUN and the RAIN Strange but true the typhoons bring the rain in the Philippines. That is why if there are no typhoons the rice crop suffers from drought. Yet typhoons constitute one of the most destructh·e enemies of the farmers, because in the wake of a furious typhoon crops and farm buildings are destroyed. It is the mastery of men over typhoon that will mean permanent progress in making crop production stable. And this is now possible with the modern knowledge of meteorology and the ad,·anced knowledge in plant behavior and breeding, in following a planting program that will e\"llde the destructive effects of typhoons. October is the month of typhoons. In thirty years from 1903 to 1934 the philippines suffered from no less than twenty two typhoons al~ passing ou~ide of :Mindanao. For this reason l'limdanao can be considered a typhoon free agricultural region making that island a a much safer place for agricultural operations for most of the crops than the Our RURAL Scouting Plan I N planning out a service program for the rural district, Farmino and Cooperatfres has not overlooked the important fact that farm boys must be served. For this reason we have interested the leaders of the Boy Scouts Movement to give their attention to the propagation among the rural districts of this movement that has done untold benefit to millions of farm boys all over the World. We are printing the initial call and we shall cooperate whole-heartedly to give Philippine Farm boys the benefits of this World-Wide Movement. "SCOUTING for the boys-whereever they are. One of the main reasons behind the success and progress of the Boy Scout Program is that it is highly adaptable to all type of boys, wherever they may he. Thus, in the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, we find several socalled 'less chance hoys,'--deaf and dumb Scouts, leper Scouts, Moro Scouts, Igorot Scouts, and Scouts residing in remote barrios, unable to participate as actively in Scouting as other boys do, but definitely playing the game through the Rural Scout Plan. "The Rural Scouting Plan answers a great need in scouting in our country. Our nation is still young and is still in its early stages of growth. Cities are a handful, and towns are not even half as big as the cities. A great majority of our population live in far-away rural areas, apart from the many conveniences and living facilities offered by modern civilization. To the sons of the people who constitute our rural population we offer Boy Scouting through the 26 rest of the Philippines. During the month of October the provinces lying along the eastern coast of the arcl1ipclago have more rains ·than the provinces to the west. It is still rainy season in Tayabas, the Bicol Provinces, Smnar. Leyte, and Eastern Mindoro. Signs of approaching dry season are alread:-· in eYidence in the Ilocos Provinces, Zambales, Batangas, Cavite and Rizal. In the latter provinces the early rice season crops are being harvested. While as a general condition Mindanao is rain~· the southern coast particularly Koronadal valley is now with lesser rains than during the early part of the year. As a general rule the conditions of the wind, the sun and the rains determine the crop seasons in the Philippines. It is for this reason that Farming a.u/ Cooperatfres will maintain this column to give our readers pertinent information about weather conditions in the different parts of the Philippines. Rural Scouting Plan. "In Rural Scouting, we. do not seek to draw the boy away from his home. Neither do we urge him to abandon his life on the farm. On the other hand, we bring to him Scouting as it can be worked in rural areas. We offer him activities centered on his own activities on the farm. We give him recognition fo1· his achievements in farm work. Further, we open to his vision a broader field of ambition than the one his town-bred eyes are accustomed to see. "The Rural Scout Program introduces a golden chapter of romance and adventure to the monotonous, uneventful tale of the farm boy's life. It infuses new blood into his veins, it brightens his horizon to a blinding radiance, it sweetens his otherwise doleful existence. "Let us do a good turn by trying our best to extend the benefits of Scouting to our friends in the barrios through the Rural Scout Program." "Scouting-The Wonder Program"-For further information write the Boy Scouts of the Philippines Headquarters 1001 Oroquieta, Manila. Watch for our Special NOVEMBER ISSUE INDEX OF ADVERTISERS (Cont.inucd from page 1) Commonwealth lneurancoe Company . . . . . . • . . . 6 Cooperative Coconut Producb, Inc. and Eacudero & Co., Inc. • . • . . 18 Cooperative Review . • . . . . . . . . . • z3· Cromwell Cosmetic Export Co. (Clo-Co) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z Deatileria La Fortuna, lnC. . . . . . 13 Education & Health Monthly . . . . Z6 Elizalde & Co., Inc. • . . . . . . . . . . 14 Far Eaat Co., Inc. A-merican Commercial Fernandez Trips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Fred Wilson & Co., Inc. Inside Front Cover General Corporation of the Philippines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 19 George Edward Koster, Inc. . . . . 14 Gonzalo Puyat & Sons, Inc:. . , . . . 15 La Famille ................... 11 Magdalena Estate, Inc. Outside Back Covet" Modern Pharmacal Products Co. 4 National Radio School . . . . . . . . . Zl Philippine Economic Development, Manila Construction Company "'"d Fero ·Manufacturing and Engineering Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Philippine Engineering Corporation . . . . . . . . . Outside Back Cov·er Philippine Farmers Auodation Inside Back Cover Philippine-Hawaii-Am·!!rica Labor Union, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 San Carlos Distilleries . . . . . . . . . . 22 Tiki-tiki Manuel Zamora 2 Vilca Commercial ............ , . 4 ATTf NTION, PLEASE If you have any seeds, ferti. lizers, farm products and equioment to sell or if you want to buy seeds or other agricultural necessities, write to the Editor, FARMING AND COOPERATIVES.