The cooperative way of life


Part of Farming and Cooperatives

The cooperative way of life
De Castro, A. (As a Private Citizen)
Farming and Cooperatives, 1 (1) November 1945
Cooperative societies--Philippines
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
The Cooperative Way of Life THE recreation of the' National Cooperativl'a Administration by the Philippine Legislature giving to this institution PS,000,000 to efficiently pl'rform the implantation of the cooperative way of life in our Philippine Economy is a conclusive proof on the part of our Government that the organization of cooperative enterprisl'8 is a Nlttional Poliq/. The cooperative way of life seeks a middle way of solving the trouble between capital and labor. The capitalistic way of life is charactl'rized by monopoly of the few. In fact, it is totalitarian in the sense that who ever controls capital is the one that dictates the destiny of onr economic organization. The global war which has just been ended pronomices that democracy should be a piding principle of our life; hence political democracy if it is to last as our guiding philosophy should be based on economic democracy. I dare say that our sacrifices to let democracy safe for humanity will not last long if its foundatjon is based on totalitarian economic organization. The fight for political freedom is ended. Freedom from the clutches of big business interests whose creed in "lu Money we trust and let :Money speak"-the sooner we go back A. DE CASTRO (As a Private Citizm) to the Christian way of "In God we trust and let human being speak," this world of ours will not only be worth living but it will be worth fighting for. Democracy to last should be founded on economic freedom. It has been said that aggressive war was always c::.used by the manipulation of world power supported by great capitalists, inaus•r1abscs and financiers. There is no doubt that when the cooperative way of life where. the earning of capital is limited and when in the deliberation of business organization is based on one-man-one-vote, this world of ours will be more fit to live and possibly more human understanding will prevail. Only when our political and economic organization is based on democratic principles of one man one vote will the mass of common tao be emancipated from economic slavery. The slogan of the late Pres. Woodrow Wilson "to make the world safe for democracy" will not be only in theory but in practice. For us in the Philippines, the organization of more cooperative enterprises is the road to world peace and also the right way to reconstruct our ruined national economy. In· rebuilding our national economy we should not lose sight of the fact that our people must be organized in such a manner that the real majority will prevail in contrast with the old time business organization based on the capital investment. There is no doubt that His Excellency, the President of the Philippinl's will exercise the final stage of signing the House Bill No. 553 which has been passed by both and presented for his signature. This is the Magna Chart& of Economic Emancipation! The Rebirth of ... (Co11ti11urd from page 28) and· sixty-five is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "SEC. 5. There is hereby created a non-stock corporation to be known as the "National Cooperatives Administration" to take cha1·ge of the promotion, organization and supervision of cooperative and mutual aid associations now existing as well as those which may hereafter be formed under the provisions of Commonwealth Act Numbered Five hundred and sixty.five and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder." With Best Wishes to the PHILIPPINE FARMERS ASSOCIATION SAN CARLOS DISTILLERIES 22 SAN CARLOS, PANGASINAN PHILIPPINES Manufacturers of CHEMICALLY PURE ALCOHOL and the G.I.'s toast-SAN CARLO WHISKY Known to every G.I. who has seen action in Lingayen and other famous battlefields in Luzon SAN CARLO WHISKY-Best for its SMOOTHNESS, QUALITY •nd DISTINCTIVE FLAVOR Manufactured without the use of any artificial flavoring essence For particulars inquire at office of Philfarm-1001 Oroquieta, Manila