The Revitalization of our AGRICULTURE, INDUSTRIES and COMMERCE


Part of Farming and Cooperatives

The Revitalization of our AGRICULTURE, INDUSTRIES and COMMERCE
Encarnacion, Vicente Singson
Farming and Cooperatives, 1 (1) November 1945
Speeches, addresses, etc.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
The Revitalization of our AGRICULTURE, INDUSTRIES and COMMERCE JN the eve of her indep1mdence, the Philippines is faced with ser-' ious anct momentous problems, which chall.enge the statesmanship of her leaders mid the patriotism of every Filipino. The wanton destruction.s wrought by the Pac·if!'.c War set Philippine economy half a century back. Due to opera.tions of war, cities, towns and even ba.rrios la.y in ruins and ashes, agriculture is in a. JJl'Ostrate condition, animal population is decimated, and our exports have faded to nothing. The immediate need of the country is undelayed rehabilitation and rec011struction. Our President i.s exerting all efforts irv 'Washington toward getting ample aid from the United States ro enable u.s to meet this inimediate need. The long-range solution of the problems confronting us consists in the revitalization of our agriculture, indu.stries and commerce. The natura.l wealth of the country must be developed, through a systematic exploitation and husbanding of her diverse agricultural resources. Her industries should be promoted and multiplied, by creating new ones. Her commerce should be expanded by means of proper planning and ·organization. In other words, the agriculture, industries, and commerce of the country should be developed, revitalized and eJ:pandcd to such a level that will enable them to produce sufficient revenue to meet the mounting expenditures of an independent Government and to maintain moderately high .standard of living among the 71eople, thu.s insuring individual contentment and happiness. Toward this end the Department of Agriculture and <;Jommerce is dedicated. I congratulate the publishers and editors of the "Farming and Cooperatives" magazine in coming out in the field of journalism with a periodical having aims and objectives identical with those of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce. Its announced policy "to cooperate with the government for the speedy rehabilitation of Philippine economy" i.s particularly timely and encouraging, for it is now more than ever when there is an imperati1:e need of concourse and unity of efforts in attaining a speedy reconstruction and rehabilitation of the Philippines. The NEED for (Sgd.) VICENTE SINGfJON ENCARNACION Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce GUIDANCE and ENCOURAGEMENT PHILIPPINE agriculture has suffered tremendou.s losses· during · the war. Cultivated farms have been devastated, work animals slaughtered for food; farm machineries, implements and t~ols lost or destroyed; indu.strial processing and manufacturing establishments wrecked or dtmuded of equipment; seeds and planting materials lost and cultivated cri>ps reduced to such an extent that now the country faces one of the TTWSt serious food shortages in its history. Exports of agricultural products which constituted the main pUlar of our national economy have been reduced to nil. The rehabilitation of these damaged indu.stries is a task that requires not only the government effort but as well as '.".d united strength of all the people, faith in owr future,. unlimited patience and full determination to "?orlc and work and _work, but also very careful plmnning and execution of such weU-laid out plans. There is lack of almost everything necessary for farm work. and for the industrial processes in agricultural production. As a conF ARMING AND COOPERATIVES. 5