Bishop Lee prays for good Filipino leaders


Part of The Philippine Gazette

Bishop Lee prays for good Filipino leaders
The Philippine Gazette 2 (6) June 1947
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
DR. CANI ZARES TO SPEAK IN U. S. Dr. :\Ianuel Canizares is im·ited by the :\merican College oi Chest Physicians to read a paper in a conierence to he held on June 5 to 8th at the Atlantic City. Dr. Canizares is the head director oi the Quezon Institute. MR. AND MRS. ESPANOLA HAVE BABY GIRL Geraldine is another member of the family oi :\Ir. and :.\I rs. Tony Espanola oi Sacramento. The baby \\·as born at :\Iercy Hospital, A.pril 25. The mother and the baby are doing iine. [ll P. 0. BNO~Xyp610;2!·!~~;:'.o c;.nd See u, For Radios and Appliances Guaranteed Radio Repair ISLETON, CALIF. 27 FISHING BOATS WITH SUPPLIES FOR SALE SEE TONY SANCHEZ P. 0. BOX 682 ISLETON, CALIF. EAGLE CLEANERS TAILORING SUITS, WOMEN'S DRESSES PRESSING AND SHOPS FOR ALL KINDS. 1019 3rd St. Sacramento RUMOLO AND GAMBOA U. P. REPRESENTATIVES The hoard of regent oi the University oi the Philippines has authorized Dr. Carlos P. Rumolo and Dr. !Vlelquiades Gamboa. both in the l' nited States, to repre:<ent the Philippines in the Cultural Conference. Dr. Rumolo "-ill atten<I the bicentenial ceremonies at Princeton U niversity. June 16 and I ith and Dr. Gomboa "·ill attend the Social and Political Science Conference at Philadelphia 011 April IS and 19th. FILIPINIO SCHOLARS TO STUDY CHINESE President Roxas will send Filipino scholars to China to study the Chinese language, it was a11nou11cccl from ?11alacanang Palace. · BISHOP LEE PRAYS FOR GOOD FILIPINO LEADERS Bishop Ed\\·in P. Lee, of the Methodist Church of Singapore, breathed a prayer yesterday that the "Philippines be ever successful in choosing both an intelligent and moral leadership." e e MAX'S CLOTHING STORE We Buy and Sell Men's Clothing and furnishings Small Used Radios and Luggage Open Evenings and Sundays DIAL 3-5589 616 JAY STREET SACRAMENTO B•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~B -7