British church group launch attack on Roman Catholicism


Part of The Philippine Gazette

British church group launch attack on Roman Catholicism
The Philippine Gazette 2 (6) June 1947
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
PHILIPPlNE GAZITTE CLASSIFIED ADS WANTED-One Cll:>errenced hodv ar:d :ender mon ~o wor~ ot OeL .. -e Bod\· on::i Po;-ir St-ioo, Hll 3rd St., Soc•.:ir-ie".~O. 7r:;s ;s ~!->e ce.,•er of O'.ito~o· tive recoMtr..:;:::ion and welding. See Mr. Lir:coln obo1d 1his j::ib. BIG SELECTION ::-~ Clo·:..i,g_ L;.giJoge a:id s~oll radio~. 616 Joy S·!ee·. Pi-o~e 3-SSS9. Open evenings and Sundo\'S. GOOD used do1iiir,g fo~ ':'T"C!'I o.,ci wc~en a: Li.;vino's S;ore at E17 16'.'i S•., S::ic·o~e~.•o. i~is is ~he ~er~~e· c;~ .. se.:i cio·r-ir.g '.o· wo-e'l ar.:::1 child~en 1n .he city. ~~1 Radio Service and Juke Box Repair G;ORGE l. BERNOUOY ii:;._::?HONE 3-SSS~ t~~-_:,~~~ CITY TAXI Phone 2-6955 Tr.e (rcorn or.d Slocl:: Cobs 100"·~ Unicti .. L:.::ii: !or ~he Green light" 1027'/, SIXTH STREET SACRAMENTO e e General Insurance 1 Income Tax Service PHONE 4-3287 NOTARY 1214 THIR') S<REET SACRAMENTO CITY DYE WORKS PRESSING, TAILORING, SUITS AND WOMEN'S DRESSES PHONE 2-4431 1217 5th ST. Sacramento BRITISH CHURCH GROUP LAUNCH ATTACK ON ROMAN CATHOLICISM LO'.'IDO~. :\Iar 10.-The Viiorld Ernngelical Alliance Council oi Protestant Churches stated todar "to avoid alliance oi anr description \\"ith Rome!' The Alliance said in the publication Evangelical Christiandom today: "Let Protestants ben-are of allying themseh·es n-ith Roman Catholics "·ith whom they have no real unity of spirit and of the ialse hope that they can resist the adrnnce of communism." The group declared: "H istorr may n-ell prove Roman Catholicism \\"ith its corruption oi Christianity to be a greater enemy of the Church of Christ than communism.· Residence in Rornan Catholic Italy or Spain \l"Ould con ii rm that opinion. ~ Deluxe Body and Paint Shop ij AUoOMOTIVE RECONSTRUCTION WELDING 1'l ew JI;/ a11agement 1411 3,d STRE~T SACRAMENTO PHONE l-75&8 SIXTH & KAY GROCERY Chorlie Liondokis, Prop. 1024_ 6th STREET SACRAMENTO l ~~;;s=:::;=:::;~~~~~~=:::;=:::;~~====~ -15