Cadena de Amor festival at the University of the Philippines


Part of The Philippine Gazette

Cadena de Amor festival at the University of the Philippines
The Philippine Gazette 2 (6) June 1947
University of the Philippines
Universities and colleges
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOP BECOMES PROTEST ANT A bishop oi the Roman Catholic Church, Dr. Julio Garrett, \\"aS receiYed in the Episcopal Church, '.\"o,-ember 5, 1930, is now a missionaD· in the little tO\rn oi :\Ianati. Puerto Rico. Dr. Garrett was a former Catholic bishop at Bolivia. CADENA DE AMOR FESTIVAL AT THE UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES The C ni,·ersity oi the Philippines most coloriul iestirnl. the traditional pre-graduation senior to junior ceremony called cadena de .'\mor will be held April 21st, at the uni,·ersity quad angle on Padre Faura Street, under the auspices of the C. P. ""omen's Club. Ameurfina :I.I elencia. l'. P. \\•omens' Club president will preside over the ceremonies; Pacita Guevara. E,·e Gonzales and Betty Vergara \\·ill deJi,·er the traditional speeches. GRADUATION RECITAL AT VILLAMOR HALL A graduation recital was held last Sunday at Villamor Hall, University of the Philippines, :'.\fanila, by the U. P. Conservatory of lHusic, featured new pianists Misses Luz Quiazon, Honora Gezum-Teves, and Ester Alcid. The music graduates took turns in interpreting popular classics bl' Grieg, SaintSaens, Debussy, Beethoven and Lizst. SANWAL PRINTING CO. THE PHILIPPINE GAZETTE IS A PRODUCT OF OUR PLANT TELEPHONE 2-1949 617 JAY STREET SACRAMENTO (Continued from Page 5) :\Ir. Somera joining with me in extending our regards and best wishes for your success. Please let me hear from you as we shall be veD· glad to be in tourh \\·ith you and communicate with yon about your work from time to time. i Fratet nally yours for a greater Silliman, LORE'.\"ZO B. BER~ARDEZ, Alumni Exec. Seery. and Treas. GARDNER'S SHELL SERVICE OPEN ALL NIGHT 300 CAPITOL AVENUE Sacramento NITZ CUT RATE DRUG STORE New ond Lowest Prices in Town 1230 4th STREET SACRAMENTO l -12