With our government


Part of Farming and Cooperatives

With our government
Agricultural laws and legislation—Philippines.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Commonwealth Act No. 542 (Pasture Land Act)
WITH OUR GOVERNMENT SEcosn :"ATIOSAI. AssE~tBI.' Frns1· S11ss1os H. :So. 1022 (Cini ~1oswli.\l.TH AcT :So. 5.p) PASTCRE LA.ND ACT Re· it 1·1wcl;:1/ b.r tht· .Yut,:r,1111/ ./ ssonb/_\' ~t t/11· Pliilif>f'i11n: St:CTIOS 1. This act shall apply to all lantk which arc a,laptcd to pasture purpo:S.es. St:c. 2. '.'\o person shall occupy or use any par,·d of public land for pasture purposes ";thout first securing therefor a lease or pem1it from the Dirt"Ctor of Fore>tn· in accordance with the provi~ion; of this Act. Si:c. ;. The Bureau of Forestn· ,;hall haw ju~i;dictic;n and authority O\:er the administration. protection, and management of pasture lands and o\·er the cr:intin:! of lea;:;es or penniu. for pasture purpose's to any citizen of lawful age of rhe Philippines and any corporation or a>>ociation of which at least sixty per centum of the capital stock belongs "-holly to citizens of the Philippines, and which is or;...ranized and constituted under the law; of the Philippines for an area of not more than two thousand h....:tares in accordance with the provi>ions of this Act. Such leases shall run for a period of not more than twentytive ,·ears. but ma\· be renewed once for anofh.-r period n~t to exceed_ twentr-livc \·ears. in case the le;see shall have made important impron~ents, \\-hich in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce justify a renewal. SEc. + The Director of Forestry, with the apprO\·al of the Secretaf\" ot Agriculture and Commerce, shall -promulgate rules and regulations consistent \\;th this Act. as may be neces.<arr .md propt·r to i:arry into efh·i:t the provi:-:.ion~ tlwr,•of. SEC. 5. All parcds of public land applied ior g-razin~ purpo$t's ~hall he 111 ... n·;tigared hy till" Hureau ot Forl'stn" ;u1d if thl' >amt· arc found to lw withi;1 certified alienahlt· nr disposahlt• land >uitahlc for grazini: purpnSt'>. said Bureau ,;hall rcqut•:<r the Burl'au oi Lands that said parcels of land he rc,·crtctl to tlw category oi public forest land. l' pon :::uch n·,·rr~ion. the Burrau of Fore~tn· shall take proper action on tlw pa>tur~· application$ in a-:t'ordann· with thr provi::-ions of this .. ;\ct. SEc. b. l"pon the appw,·al of thi,; Ac·t. all ~uh~i~tinJ,! pa:-'turl' lea~('~ :,!ranrt·d hy the Bureau cf Land; shall continue in full force and effect until the date 01 their expiration: Prt1pitfcrl. htrl{'r''l11·r, That upon heing ath·ised hr the Bureau oi Lands of the expiratir:n or cancellation of any pasture lea>e. the Bureau of Forestr)· >hall re<]uest the said Bureau oi Lands that the area he rewrted 10 the ,·ategon· of puhlic forestland and thereafter said land shall he suhject to di,;po~ition for grazing: purpo~es in accord<tnt:f' "·ith the prO\·isions of this Aer. All other pasture lease applicatioll:' which are still pending action in the Bureau of Lands shall he referred to the Bureau of Forr:'tn· for appropriate action. s·~C- 7. The annual rental of the land under lease or permit shall not he less than three fwr r.·11111111 of the appraised or re-appraised value of the land and one p.-r rmt11111 of that of the improvem:nt thereon. 1f am·, based 011 the appraJSal · and reappraisai made hy the Di rector of Forestn- with the apprornl of the Secretary -of Agriculture and Commerce. ( Co11tiuued on 1wxt f'll!id ~~~~~-~~~~~--~~! 18 ,,,The Prosperity Of A People . mainly depends on its sound economy''-Editorial of a Manila daily. And there's no denying the fact that the possession of land constitutes an important factor in the economic prosperity of a family. ONLY We sell beautiful homesites from 300 to 5,000 sq. m. P4.50 payable 20~i down and the balance in 60 monthly inand up per sq. m. stallments. MAGDALENA ESTATE, INC. 211 CONSOLIDATED INVESTMENTS BLDG, PLAZA GOITI MANILA, PHILIPPINES Home & Women's Corner The.Mar1<et 1. \ V ,. \\"011dn wh1· l"lw fa re oi buses 110\\ an· 301 , hi;.d1e1: than last month. This fare hike startt•d during the last "l't·k oi J \lilt' whl'n thl' .l!asolinc.- stations' ration stopped awhiil'. 'l'hl'n, it wa~ undl'rscandahle to pa~: more as g-asolim· had 111 lw hou~ht from rhe black mark<·t and hoardt'rs rhaq.!ed as hi; . .dl as P15.oo per ~-;,!'allon can. But rw\\· that ~asolinc 1..'1>1npanit·s and .:\Jalacanan ha\'c an110uncl'd that thl'rt is t'llough g-asolinc for l'\ c:ryhotl~· at controlled priers. why lian· thr pri\·ate husl's maintained the .{Ot· 1·or the fornwr 20c rate and the forml'r 10t' rate to ..i.oc or _)Or? 'J'hi~ i~ likt· J:ipane'e da,·s. '('ht· pri\·a1c opt"r.itor~ it ~<·ems do not undcr>•t:ind that th<')' are in the l-tilit~· husirw~:-. and unlr--~ the\· i:hart!l' ~cn·in· at .1 n·asonahle fare till':\' arc ;nu~hroom h11:'.i1w:-... Jlll'll who do not 'l'l' he~ ond their nosl·... ;\ linle tl10u;.!l1t on their p<!rt ~~11id1·d h~· good rn1:-cicm::c will du tlu.·m !!tll•d. 2. Prit·<·:- in rlw market ... of romnualiric:'., fl1H.:tuate at a minimum rcdm.:tion cl ~o·, and a ma\imum im::rease of :;01 ' . . ,/ 1·1'r"!I" 1. Rice: p,.,. !Jllllfn Elo11-t·lw1 bt da:'.... t•'2.38 ::?nd " :\laran 1st cla ... s 2nd ·· ' S11;,!ar: l\·ntriful!al (hrmn1) Rrtined ........... . 3. \!eat ( lwd J>t ,·la,;) Pork ( l;tm• nwat) .... -I· Chi<:ken { unclrt·%ed) Hen ............... . 2.23 2.18 2.08 pa l·y. t' i._;o 2.35 1'5.00 l.75 1·a.-h '1*5.50 Roostt•r . . . . . . . . . . . . -1.25 5. Eg!!:-;: p1·r 1foz. \Vhite Leghorn ....... 1*2.50 '\' ative Hen . . . . . . . . . . 2.65 Duck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1.20 Balm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i.60 6. Lani: pa kif<, V cgt•tahlt· . . . . ....... 1•2.-15 Animal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1.ro 7. Coconut: Assorted (per 100) ... 1"6.50 Each ... -.......... - . . 0.11 8. Lumber: per Bd. Ft. Guijc ............... '.t"o.90 TanJ!ilc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.55 Red Lau;tn . . . . . . . . . . 0.55 Apitong ............. · 0.55 Palosapis .. - . - . . . . . . . . 0.55 Almon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.48 \Vhitc Lauan . . . . . . . . . 0.48 .!- Executive Order No. prohibit> ( Co11ti1111ed 011 111'.\"I pnge) With Our ... ( Cr.nti1111,·1/ /n1111 m·.,·t />fly•') Should the term of the lease he ten yea.rs or more, a reapprnisal may he made <'WT\' fo·e \t'ars from the date of the apprm.'al nf ihr lca;e nr permit. The Direi.."tor ut l·"on~tn· 111:\\' rt'ttuest thr :t..."sistancr of the rrovin.\.·ial tr('a~urer or as$C;;or of the prm·incc in whkh the l:i.nd lies or mar appoint a committt·e fllr !i'Ut.:h purpo~c- in the 1no\-ill\."C or in the municipality in which the land lies. SEc. S. Hl·forc nny lease or r~ennit i$ i>sued under tilt' proYisions nf this Act, the applicant 111ay, :t$. ~aranty oi g;ood faith in iili.ng: the application and for the satisfactory compliance with the temts and conditions of the lea;c or permit and the payment of rental charges due thereon, be required to deposit with rht· Director of ForcstT\' a cash hond. a Philippine '.\ ational B;nk Bond, or a hood of the GoYemment of the Philippines, or any political subdi,·ision thereof in an amount to be determined bv the Dirr<:tor uf Forc;trv with the appro\·al of the ::;,,·reran· of .-\~riculrurc and Comnwrcr. In c.~se the bond required exceeds iwn hundred pews. a hond duly· ··xecuted hr a reputed ;urety companr ma~· be accepted, hut in such case it shall he increased b,· not less than twcntv-fi,·e f>l'r .,,.,,1u111 n~r more than SC\'ent)·-five f>•·r crnt11111 m the discretion of the Director of Forestry. Thi< bond mar be ,·onfiscated by the Go\·ernmrnt in case of any ,·iolation on the part of the lessee or permittee of anr of the terms of the l~asc or permit. SEc. 9. The Director of Forestry may, with the appro\·al of the Secretary ot Agriculture and Commerce, grant pasture lease ai:reements bv auction or bidding after proper inv.;.,tigation of the areas applied for has been made, subject tn such conditions as may be prescribed by him. All bids must be sealed and addressed to the Director of Forestrv and must ha,·e enclosed therc\\·ith .:ash or certified ched:, Treasury "'arrant, or post-office money order pa)'able to the . order of the Director of Forestn·~ for a sum equivalent to the rental for ~t least, the first three months of the lease. No hid shall he·considered in which the pro· posed annual rental is less than three fler ce11/u111 of the appraised or re-appraised value of the land and one p¢ re11/11m of that of the improvements thereon, if anv, in conformit\" with section seve~ of. this Act. . SEc. IO. Upon the final expiration of the lease or permit all immovable and other permanent improvements made hy the lessee, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns shall beFARMING AND COOPERATIVES The Market ... ( Cri111i1111l't/ from 11<'.\'I /'"!!'') .-xportation of .p items to other countries ex,·ept to continental lJ nited States of Aml'rica. At its first publication in local news. copra and hemp were not included. Two d:l\'s latt·r these two items were included. harrcd 'trom exportation to tord~n 1..·ountril'S ext..·cpt to tlw l'. s. Busine;s speculated on the idea that pl·rhaps. $OlllC ioHii,! _\-Ian'' l'.omplainrd to the l'residt·nt why- copra and hemp \\·ere not indudt•d and immcdiateh- the l'resid,·nt indrnkd these two it<·;rn,. ln :'o~nc hu~ine:-;s group, its componcnb ar;.:ucd that Pl'rhaps the President's h:md arc ril'd because so far the '1*800,000,000 loan for Gm·ernment use to keep !t 1-!0ing, is ~till pcndin:.:: in Con;.:re;s. The President, fur diplomacy and tact. would not want anything to pa>.< rhar 111ay jeupardizl' the granting oi th:1t loan to rill' youn!! Philippine Republic. :\nd lw is right at rhat. But the que~tion ari:'es, {f we t•xport, ~a\' hl·mp and copra alone, ro foreign ma;kets except the continental U. S., would the g'Overnnwnt not make morl' moner than f"Soo.000,000 to keep the g;oven{ment running, ·with other 1narkets like Central and South Amcric:is. and China offering us price:-; at lca~t douhlc what U. S. pays for copra and hemp~ 1 t is simple arithmetic. Or perhaps, the present world situation has a bigger meaning to the Philcome the property- oi the Govcrnmcnt. SEC. I I. Any person or association of persons occupying or using any part of the public domain for grazing purposes \\"ithouc lease or permit in violation of the pro»isions of this Act or of any 1 ulcs or regulations prnmulgated thereunder shall he liahle to the payment of twice the regular rental charJ,:es no\\· or hereafter provided for by regulations during such time that the area is illegally used or nccupied. For failure to pay tl;e rental charges due within thirt\• davs after they had become due and i>ayable, the respondent shall he penalized bv :m additional charge nf fifty per c1·1111;111 of such rental charges. SEc. 12. This Act shall take effect upon its approval. Approved, June 8, 1939. Revolution In The ... ( Co11ti111ml from f'tl!J<' 15) His yield will be some 25 bushels per acre more than that of his neighbor--<:>r enough to bring him an ad· <litional income of $900. Scores of other advantages offered by hybrid corn are less apparent but even more important in the longi run. For example the University of Illinois has produced strains containing twice as much protein and three times as much oil as ordinarv corn. Other strains especially rich -in certain elements have enormously speeded up the mass production of penicillin, of which corn steep liquor-a by product of starch making-is an essen· t1al ingredient. Ten years ago, less than half of one per cent of the corn planted in Illinois was hybrid. This year 98 per cent of Illinois corn will come from hybrid seed; in Iowa, just under 100 per cent. The Problem ... ( C1J11ti111ud frr1111 pa yr· 5) Naturally it was passionate and often unreasonable. Life of cruelty and miustice and intrigue during the .Japanese time twisted many a Filipino virtue of hospitality, timidity. tolerance and liberality. Suppressed bad traits came to the fore instead. (Tl) In· (fJ1tti111lftl) ippinc-li. S. rclatio1J>hip-protrctionism than the monetary g:ain rhe P1tilippinrs will make exporting to foreign markers for the quicker rehabilitation of out countrv? 'rhcrc i~ somcthin~ scriou:o:; realli• .in this question. True, our copra and hemp bought ac much higher prices than what U. S. pay< for them mav go to places where we don't want tli'en; to go and ma)' be used for purposes that might be harmful to the lJ. S. and the Philippines later on? But there is news tco that the Chinese nationals bur plenty of U. S. goods and sell them to Communists at fabulous profits. But that 1s only ··news"-we have no proofs. LEE TAY & LEE CHAY, INC. LUMl!ER DEALERS & MANUFACTFRERS 533 T. ALONZO 19