Home and woman's corner


Part of Farming and Cooperatives

Home and woman's corner
The Farming and Cooperatives II (1) January 1947
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
This comer is dedicated to home and affairs of women who make the home.
Home is a refreshing word full of memories, for everyone. Its atmosphere therefore
depends on the heart and spirit of the mothers who make it warm and happy,
cozy and lovely, or cold and dreary.
Home and Woman's Corner JES-BAR HOME AND WOMEN'S CORNER This comer is dedicated to home and affairs of women who make the home. Home is a refreshing word full of memories. for everyone. Its atmosphere therefore depends on the heart and spirit of the mothen who make it warm and happy, cozy and lovely, or cold and dreary. In the Philippines as perhaps anywhere in the world, no matter how humble home maybe, home is sweet home. This comer shall try to adapt itself to modem homes on the farm. Wherever women maybe, on the farm or the city, the homes they make often depend on their ages. To the young. perhaps dancing and Questions ... odor is detected. In the brooding compartment, there should be a more frequent change of litter. In the yard, disinfection should be made now and then and new sand spread over the floor. In the swimming pool, cleaning and clearing should be made at least once a month. 62. Why is the use of a thermometer necessary?-Because it is more accurate than the most- experienced operator, who is subject to -colds and other ailments that may affect his efficiency. 63. Why is a double door /or the hatchery suftested?-Because it makes it easier to keep a more even temperature. If there is only one door, every time a person enten the hatchery a draft cannot be avoided. 64. Why is heating /or newly-hatched duckling necessary?-Because their vitality is easily affected by cold temperature. 65. What is wrong with the feeding of dudclinfs in Pateros?-The first feedings given lack the necessary protein, Vitamins, and minerals, and such lack ii detrimental to the health of the ducklings. 66. What kind of eggs intended /or hatching should be selected?-Only the eggs laid by a flock of ducks of at least one and a hall yean old during the high egg. production period. Eggs laid by young birds during the low production season should not be incubated, because the percentage of hatch will be low and the ducklings cannot be exp~ on the average to de~elop into very vigorous birds. 67. Should duclc/ings of dillerent ages be kept in one pen?-Ducklings of different ages should be raised in separate pens. If thii is not done many young ones will die, as the older birds are usually stronger and have a tendency to push the weak aside. 68. Will duclcs return to their own roosts ii miied with other /loclcs?-As a rule, the native ducks have become so tame and domesticated that even if they happen 12 poetry and dresses would be important. So it's wann and happy. To the middle aged, pe1·haps cooking and furniture and linen. So it's cozy and lovely. To the old, perhaps music and serenity and security. So it's cold and dreary. We dedicate the poem below to the serious, sensitive soul of the young homemaker. Home is where one starts from. As we grow older The world becomes stranger, the pattern more complicated Of dead and living. Not the intense moment Isolated with no before and after, But a lifetime burning in every moto get mixed with nearby flocks in separatile pens, they always return to their respective places. This is especially so in cases where they have been kept in place for several months. Dr. D. M. CARPIO DENTIST X-Ray Laboratory Violet Ray Therapy Office Hours: 8:00-12:00 A.M. 2:00- 6:· O P.M. Saturdayo: 8:00 12:00 A.M By Appointment Room 217 ReRinn Bldg. Escoha, Manila ment ..... Love is most nearly itself When here and now cease to matter. Old men ought to be explorers Here and there does not matter We must be still and still moving Into another intensity For a further union, a deeper communion Through the dark cold and the empty desolation, The wave cry, the wind cry, the va!it waters Of the petrel and the porpoise. In my end is my beginning. POEM (Reprint from Reader's Dige:;t) Soil Conservation , •. be managed end their activities controlled in order to be able to control at will the the various soil processes which will influence the growth of crops and of animals. The soil must be conserved end its cropproducing power must be improved in order ,.to maintain good.crop returns to support the ver-incerasing population or the country. This is responsibility of the present generation towards the future Filipino people. l/'.))l8881<ll888K )l888K)l8881<)l8881<ll888K )l888K)l888K ll888K GJ )l888K ll888K )lll88i( ll888K ll888K )!888!<. ll888K ll888K~ i I F. B. SARABIA OPTICAL co. I ' . ~ I Fifty years In the optical field, !II! I offers Its distinguished clients ~iii and lo public in aeneral the !II! best, latest optical lenses and iii ~ frames from the U. S. A. i I 8 I ii Main Office: - 24 Escolta (Coner Nueva) I i Tel. - Dial 40 - Ask for 466 I • . Pro~lncial Branches: I I Iloilo City, Cebu City, Davao City I ~ Bacolod City ft !)!881K)l88810!88810l888101888K)i888!(')1888K)l888K)l888K 0 )1888Kll888Kl!llllK)l888K)l888Kl!888K)1881iK)l888K)l8881<'