In lighter vein : (reprint from Reader's Digest)


Part of Farming and Cooperatives

In lighter vein : (reprint from Reader's Digest)
The Farming and Cooperative II (1) January 1947
Conduct of life
Short story
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
This article is about the stories on good manners, in whatever we do, in where ever we go, and when we are in different life situation. We have to posses and always remember to do the right things and act the right ways. Our actions will gain respect from other people.
1N LIGHTER VEIN (Reprints fri>m Reader's Dige-st) Whistle Stops A YOUNG .matron was enjoying the attentions of her dinner partner, a hand .. some Westerner. ''But how old do you think I am?" she asked. .. Shucks/' he replied, 0 1 don't know,, but if I saw you on the street, I'd whistle fint and estimate afterward..•• A VIVACIOUS brunette of about 40 was standing on the boardwalk at Virginia Beach when she heard an admiring whistle from a very young sailor. He ambled up purposefully ,..;th his cap pushed jauntily over one eye. "Son," she reproved him gently, amused and flattered, "don't you flirt with me! rm a grandmother." ueut, grandmother' n replied the undismayed sailor, "what big eyes you have!" .I AV TOKYO, Jon. 6 (INS)-Filipinos who blame food lack upon antiquated forming methods and whose government is sponsoring the mechanization of fa1ms as a way out of agricultural difficulties, will be interested to know that almost six million people have an old fashioned woy or doing things that is more productive thar. anything the machine age can boast about. But that is a fact in Japan. Japanese farmers cannot use tractors or other machinery on their farms and get as good a crop yield as they do now, with methods that look antiquated to an American. Wolf I. Ladejinsky, department of agriculture economist loaned to Gen. Douglas MacArthur to work on Japan's agricultural problems, said without reservation: "It would be a step backwards rather than forwards •if Japanese agricultul'c was mechanized. "The Japanese farmer literally has learned to grow two blades of grass where one grew before." He quoted figures. " has the highest crop yields of. rice and wheat of any major rice or wheat growing nation in the world," he said. ''The Japanese raises almost twice as much rice from an acre of paddy land as · the farmer in any of the other rice growing nations of Asia. "Furthermore, the Japanese rice farmer grows 65 bushels of rice on the same acreage from which an American gets 40 bushels. "In the wheat fieidS, the Japanese gets 28 to 30 bushels per acre while the Ame~ If WE treat people too long with that -------------·Continued nn Page 20 J'retended liking called pol_iteness, we shall OUR PLEDGE find it hard not to like them in the end. With the beginning of the New Year 1947, we want to reiterate once The Milkman Cometh more our pledge to the cause of better farming in our country. The PhiA Mil.MAN'S life is never dull, and lippine Farmers Association Incorporated has for its purposes the followVancouver milkmen have learned not to be ing: surprised at any sort of request. Here are copies of notes actually left by customers: Dear Milkman: When you leave my milk, knock on my bedroom window and wake me. I want you to give me a hand to tum the mattress. P. S. Hope you don't mind. Dear Milkman: My back door is open. Please put milk in refrigerator, get money out· of cup in drawer and leave change on kitchen table in pennies because we want to play bingo tonight. Dear Milkman: When you leave the milk please put coal on the furnace, let the dog ou~ and put the newspapers inside the screen dOOr. P. S. Don't leave any milk. DON'T marry for money; you can bor~ row it cheaper-. THE SECRET of life is not to do what you l<ke, but to like what you do. lF SOMEONE betrays you once, it's his fault. If he betrays you twice, it's your fault. THERE IS a Hindu proverb which says, wYou will only grow when you are alone." HE WHO marries might be sorry. He who does not will be sorry. As long as .a woman can look ten years younger than -her daughter she is per! ectly satisfied. WITH OUR GOVERNMENT We take pleasure in annt;>uncing to our farmers, farm hands and farm employees, o_I an vital opportunity to be useful in the mechanization of farming. The AMEC has opened up 11 school for tractor operators. We· wish our friends in the fields will take .note of this important step of the government. (Editors). l. To foster a close relationship among farmers; 2. To organize efforts for the stabilization of agricultural production; 3. To promote improvements of rural life; 4. To encourage improvements in the effeciency of farm management, and 5. To cooperate with the government for the speedy rehabilitation of the Philippine economy. To carry out the above objectives, the Corporation shall undertake the following principal activies: l. Maintain an information service among members on matters relating to farm management, marketing of farm products, agricultural credit, rural improvements, farmers cooperatives, and soil conservation; 2. To ooerate, an agency for members, for procurement of commodities, sales of farm products, and placement of services; 3. Finance ag6cultural operation and farmers cooperatives; 4. Operate and administer farms; 5. Establish processing plants for farm products: 6. Publish a monthly agricultural journal; (Farming and Cooperatives) 7. To do all such other things as are incidental and conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them, or which may be conviniently carried on and done in conPPction therewithr, or which maybe calculated directly or ihdirectly to enhanre the value of or render profitable any business or property of the corporation, always provided, that nothing shall be done in concorporation, always provided, that nothing shall be done in connection with the above objects which is prohibited by any laws of the Philippine Islands, now or hereafter existing. We have kept faith with our pledge in the past althought in a small way, but nevertheless in harmony with past circumstances. We are looking to the future with .high hopes, to a more active, more vigorous achievement in this year 1947. Happy and Successful New Year to All. 19