March of events


Part of Farming and Cooperatives

March of events
McCabe, Charles
The Farming and Cooperatives II (1) January 1947
University of the Philippines. College of Agriculture
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
The U. S. Department of Agriculture made public today a summary of the 13 principal
recommendations made by the recently returned Philippine-American Agricultural

MARCH OF EVENTS WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 (UP).-The U. S. Deparmient of Agriculture made public today a summary of the 13 principal recommendations made by the recently returned Philippine-American Agricultural Mission. The mission~s conclusions are: 1. the appointment of a technical planning board which will be needed ·to advise the Philippine government on all phases of national planning; 2. the rehabilitation and improvement of facilities for the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products, both farm and factory, should have priority from both the national government and the \\"ar Commission; 3. four agricultural products - sugar, abaca, copra and tobacco - provided the major source of export revenue before the ·war and appear to be the most promising source of revenue for the immediate postwar period; 4. The Philippine government should place great emphasis on resettlement projects for economic and farm units, having in mind the mechanization and diversification of fanning in both areas; 5. The urgent need for improvement of Cooperative ... CConlinurd from pogr 10) moment, these to be detennined by the association concemerl. Suggested forms of assessment are that of levying equal '"'---~<m<)!al!a!(l!888K:J ~o!lllllKO I Insist on ~ I DAISY BEAUTY SALON lli' iii for a soft, long lasting i J permanent wave ' ~ - Main - - Annex - ~ lliS 1209 Veil(. Quiapo 2037 Az. Cor, ' ~ M a n i I a Quezon Blvd. i f'll!881!k>!81'llK<:'.\'Jl888!<)!21!81(l!81!8!0!888K0:>!8881<._r:l By CHARLES McCABE United Press Stall Correspondent the production of rice, and corn, for which the following steps should be taken- (a) mechanized production, ( b) improvement of varieties through plant breeding, (c) introduction of leguminous crops into rotations with rice and corn, ( d) more extensive use of fertilizers; 6. Effort should be made to increase the number of agricultural products both for export and home consumption, such as 1·oselle, ·ramie, derris. cocoa, coffee, peanuts, citrus and 0 other fruits; i. \\Tater resources should be utilized more extensively both for power and irrigation~ with especial attention to drainage in new systemsj 8. The livestock industry should be supported by: (a) a livestock improvement program of the Bureau of Animal Industry and a breed development program of the College of Airiculture of the University of the Philippines, ( b) expansion of the livestock research program to include disease and parasite control, pasture development and range improvement, and (c) encouragement of private livestock breeders; 9. Greater mechanization of agriculture is desirable but it should be pursued cauamounts from the members; that of assesing on the basis of gross volume of busi· ness turned in by each member; that of basing assessment on duration of the membershipj etc. To illustrate, suppose the XYZ Rice· Growers' Cooperative Association has beP.:: operating for several years on a profitable basis. Because of present exceedingly haid times, however, it finds itself in a situation in which its assets are all tied up for the moment. Not that it is on the verge of barikruptcy, but that there is an immediate liability which it cannot meet without Jiquid&ting portion of its assets. It so hap~ tiously in a country in which lnbor is abundant, but fuel is scarce and farm units are small; 10. It appears advis.ible to consolidate the national commodity corporations and the national cooperative administration into a cohesive organization for the improvement in marketing of farm productsj l l. Every encouragement compatible with democracy should be given for the development of industry; 12. Measures should be taken to strengthen education and research and the extension of other essential government services; and 13. There should be a three-fold plan of col1aboration between the Philippines and the United States, thusly, (a) the loan of an experienced extension administrator to the Islands to aid in setting up and implementing an extension service. (b) the establishment of a service training program to enable the Filipinos, who are now employed in responsible agricultural agencies, to participate in the United States' agricultural programs in their respective fields, and (c) the establishment of a collaborative research program at the College of Agrkulture, U. P. pens that it could do this only at sacrifice prices. To avoid such course, the association decides to levy an assessment on the members to raise the needed su:n. This (Continued on page /7) l'l'>!888!0l888KCT>l888!<>l888!<= =<cr=>=<GJ ~ SIMEON 0. SUAN & SONS I ® Established Since 1906 ~ ~ Hardware Merchant & Importer ill!· ~ Denis in ~ Harrlware - Paints - Plumbing ~ and El•ctrical Supplios I 47:1-75 Quezon Blvrl. Quiapo, lli ~ Cor. P. Paterno, Quiapo Manila lJl! C",_->l888!<l'l'>l888!<>l888!<)!888!(>l888!<C=)!888!(LO The Best Christmas gilt you can give your daughter, for which she will never forget you all her life is to enroll her in tlJP DE LUXE FASHION SCHOOL AUTHORIZED BY THE GOVERNMENT Alter graduation she will be a manager of succe.sful Modiste Shop or Be9uty Parlor with big income. DRESSMAKING AND HAIR SCIENCE . MASTER MEN'S TAILORING - BEAUTY CULTURE Enrollment still going nn at Da•mariilas corner Davirl near People's Bank. Mail tbis coupon to De Luxe ~'ashion School and you will receive prospectus free of charge. Name Address. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - _ - 13