Judge Regala's message on First Philippine Independence


Part of The Philippine Gazette

Judge Regala's message on First Philippine Independence
Regala, Robertp
The Philippine Gazette 2 (6) June 1947
Regala, Roberto--Speeches, addresses, etc.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
JUDGE REGALA'S MESSAGE ON FIRST PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE FellO'I\" Countrymen. I am happy to greet all Filipinos in the \Vestern States and Alaska on this, the first Anniversary oi the inauguration oi the Republic oi the Philippin?s. \\~ e can be justly proud oi the record of our people upon our completion oi one year of membership in rhe cm:cert oi natins. \\lien our Independence was proclaimed on July .J.. 19.J.6. rhe Philippines "·as still suiie:ing fro·-, the \·.·::-c:r destruction experienced by zny ccunrry oi comparatiw size in the last \Vorld \Var. Bur thanks to the prog:essi,·e leadership oi President Roxas a-,d the resourcefulness and industry of our people. the Philippines stands out as among the most stable countries in the Orient today. • ..:\.s \\-e observe this anni,·ersa!"y of cur day of freedom. it is timely to note that we Filipinos abroad a"e muc'i 1!1or~ fortunate in many \l"ays than our folk.; back home. They carriec! the b:u:'t of the enemy inrnsion and occupation. They put up the kind of resistance to enemies of democracy which \\"On the admiration of the \\"hole world. By their suffcri.ng and gallantry, they \rnn recognition as a people who desen·ed to be free. :\fost of us abroad can never comprehend the hardships they had been through. But those of us, who, being abroad, had suffered less, non· reap the most of the blessings of freedom for \l"hich our folks back home had fought and died. I say those of us abroad are more fortunate because the essence of Independence consists in recognition by foreign powers of our sovereignty. Independence is more real to us \vho are in foreign lands. ~ o longe~ are ,~·e nationals of dependency. \Ve are a sowrign people no\L At e\·ery i"tematioPal gathering, our Flag proudly flies, a symbol indeed that the Philippines has come of age. Let us therefore make this a day of d~dication. Let us pay tribute to the g:eat people of the l' nited States ior making our country what President Roxas described as "the sho11·. windo\I" of democracy in the Far East". Let us sho\I" our appreciation of the great work done by our p~ople back ho:ne by giving them material and moral support at every possible opportunity. \Ve can best carry on the great tradition of our people by re:nembering that \\'e are all unofi.ici~I ambassadors of goodn·ill of our land and that it is our · duty to so conduct ourselves as to add honor and dignity to the people we represent. :'\-lay the Lord bless our country no"· and forever more. ROBERTQ REGAL!\, Consul General, ~ Lung-Chong-Fong Cafe ] 323 KAY STREET SACRAMENTO . = = = = = . ! NAX CUT RATE DRUGS PRESCRIPTIONS 301 "L" STREET SACRAMENTO -4