Key Manila zone planned


Part of The Philippine Gazette

Key Manila zone planned
The Philippine Gazette 2 (6) June 1947
Manila (Philippines)--History
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
STALIN WON'T LIVE LONG LONDO:'.\, Uarch 31.-A Swedish heart specialist reportedly said today that Stalin nearly died from a heart attack last October. PACITA DE LOS REYES TO FETE WOMEN LAWYERS :Hiss Pacita delos Reyes one of the council of 12 oi the C. P. \\'omen Lawyer's Circle has im·ited members on April 13 for a garden party in her residence at Caloocan. Rizal. P. I., at 3 p. m. One of the informal discussions and a short talk is on the "\\'omen's Rights." I ~ ROBINSON'S SHOE REPAIR For Hiose Wr.o Wan: the Bes:! Quick Sc•vice on:::l Re:aonob!e Prices Hove Your si..o~s Holi Soled To:::iav on-:i Look Like New! Sotis!o,·ion Guoronteed 525 CAPITOL AVE. SACRAMENTO Ed. E. Noakes Typewriter Co. 719 J STREET DIAL 3-2448 SACRAMENTO, CALIF. FRANK'S SIGNAL SERVICE Complete Automotive Service PARTS AND ACCESSORIES IJtAKE RELINING SEAT COVERS WASHING AND POLISHING DIAL 3-9535 501 L S.TREET SACRAMENTO BRIGHT SPOT MARKETS 230 L STREET, PHONE 3-2688 430 N STREET, PHONE 2-5991 Sacramento, California 1 .:i ~ THE PHILIPPINE COPRA \VASHI~GTOX, :\lay 18.-The International Emergency Food Council announced today that a tentath·e allocation oi 205.000 metric tons oi Philippine copra and cocoanut oil from 19+7 production has been made to the l' nited States. KEY MANILA ZONE PLANNED President :\Ianuel de la Fuente, announced that city. urban and :X ational Planning Commissions are to study ne\\· zonification in the city of :\Ianila. There will be a clear definition of the commercial, industrial and r.esidential areas. U. N. POLICE FORCE LAKE Sl'CCESS. - The United States delegates to the l'. ?\. Council plans for a global police force. The international army is needed. The only country dissenting is Russia. MATMi:WS CLOTHES The House of a Thousand Suits 603 Kay Street (Opposite Brcuner's) SUITS - OVERCOATS u SPORT COATS - SLACKS ~ Dial 3-7941 l UNION TAXI SAFE SERVICE HEATERS AND RADIOS Affiliated with American Federation of Labor [!I SOUTH SIDE MOTOR CO. General Mechanical Service Complete Motor Overhaul Ports, Accessories Doy, Night Parking Phone 2-6898 "We Never Close" 516 L STREET SACRAMENTO [!I -9